Can you guys hear that? It is the legendary Labra-tail wagging!
Nopes, we haven’t cleared any coffee tables yet, for the simple reason that Mummy doesn’t anymore keep anything at ‘clearable’ height.
We barely can stop wagging today. Guess what? We won our first blog award!!
We have been wagging so hard since yesterday that mummy couldn’t help but keep her book aside and agreed to help us with this THANK YOU post.
Now, as the Rules say:
1. Thank the Pawson who gave it to you: Thanks HEAPS dear Dexter, Nora and Tiffany ( It is not the award that counts as much as the thought behind it. We really appreciate your choosing us.
2. Share 7 things about yourself:
1) I (Ginger) am a Pedigree, British lineage Labradudette. My Furry-Mom was a Best in show Pedigree and I was bred for show. That is why I have just perfect features. Our neighbours, who planned to train me to be a Show-Dawg, sold me to mummy because they couldn’t handle the energy levels of my Puppyhood! Can u imagine? But I am so glad because the Day Mummy picked me up, my life changed and so did Mummy’s.
2) Mummy and Daddy says I need not win any awards, I am their Champ anyways. So, I am a happy, content home-schooled family-labradudette. I have a very, very special connection with Mummy and that’s why she calls me her Zen-Girl.
3) I LOVE chew-sticks, caramel toffees, fish, mango flavoured ice-cream, running over soft, wet grass, napping on mummy’s lap on a Long drive and sleeping at night on the hollow of Daddy’s arm.
4) I (Buddy) came to live with Mummy and Daddy just a yr back. I was brought up by Norm & Christie who, after 4 years in India, had to leave for their home in Colorado and couldn’t take me with them. I was sad, but it took me about a month to realise that I had found a family who loves me to pieces (and a Mummy who hugs me forever like!)
5) Mummy and Daddy says this is my Furever Home and I don’t have to go anywhere else, come whatever may. I love my new family and would do anything to look after them. Bestest of all, I have Ginger to play with, though she refuses to miss out on her beauty sleep and play during the day.(Huh! Girls)
6) I just LOVE to play Fetch (Daddy is pretty good at it too), chicken bones, fresh yoghurt, vanilla ice-cream, salted biscuits, stuffy chewing, Splashing in the water, sleeping under the bed and a good Belly-Rub (Mummy is such a natural at it!) I am extremely athletic and amaze everyone by my very professional like stunts!
7) We both love to make new friends, especially children. Mummy says we can be excellent Therapy-Dawgs. Apart from blogging, that is one thing that can be so satisfying. So we hope Mummy puts in some serious thought about this.
(Daddy wants to add a Pee Ess here. I, Buddy, he says is the BESTEST behaved Dawg he has ever seen and is really proud of me)
3. We pass on this award to 15 of our pawonderful blog furiends. You might have already received it and we totally understand if u don’t want it again. But please know that this is a token of Our Love & Appreciation because your blogs bring so much joy n laughter into our lives. We are sorry we can choose only 15 of you.
1) Booker Man and Asa at
2) Lola at
3) Teddy at
4) Maggie and Mitch at
5) Chewy at
6) Remington and Oz at
7) The OP pack at
8) Khyra at
9) Bunny at
10) Mr. Koda MD at
11) Honey at
12) Sugar at
13) Daisy, Kendra and Bella at
14) Lorenza at
15) Hero at
4. Final Rule: Let the furiends you chose know about the award you have presented them with.
We hope Mummy hasn’t goofed up and has done what is needed!
Hope you are all having a Pawonderful week.

I am honored that you gave me an award. How very kind of you. You sure are happy wagging your tail like that! Thank you for the award.
OOO WEE! I knows all about tail waggin! I am like a pro!
It's good to meet some more labradudes! We gotta stick together, ya know!
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
Congrats B&G!
It was nice to learn all those new things about you!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Very nice job Ginger and Buddy! So glad we made you so happy!
Congrats on your special award, Buddy and Ginger!!! AND thanks for sharing it with us too. We love those thumping tails. Ours wag a bit but more like a fluffy fan:)
Mom wants to know if you can give her some suggestions for iron rich foods for Ciara that won't upset her tummy. You can email us at theoppack ATTHINGIE gmail DOT com.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woooos! I love the tail waggin! Mum does not keep much at tail level here either. Congrats on woo cool award, it was really neat reading all of that stuff about woo! I love those nice things too, especially Ice cream!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Thank you for passing the award onto us, Buddy and Ginger! We are most honored!
We love mango ice cream too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Why thank you so much. I don't believe I've seen this one before. I'm very honored that you passed it onto me and will do a post about it as soon as I can. At least by the weekend. Thank you again so much.
wags, Lola
Thank you so so much for the award. We are so honored that you thought of us. We loved getting to know you both better.:) Caramel toffees? We've never had them but they sound yummmmmy!
Teddy Bear
Wow Buddy and Ginger,
Thank you so much for the award!! I am very excited and honored to win this!! It is awesome to have you guys as friends!! Thank you again!
Paws and Licks
Thanks for the award. We may have to make our posts more versatile now.
We're not very good at wagging tails. Mostly, if our tails are up, we're happy or excited; down means unhappy. Our ears show more excitement.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Aww, thanks for the award! I agree, you two are just perfect the way you are! We're glad you ended up in your perfect forever home!
Congratulations on your Award and thanks a lot for giving it to me!
It is pawesome to know all those things about you!
Kisses and hugs
Khongrats on your tailwaggingly good award!
AND THANKS fur sharing it with ME!
I'm furry flattered and now MY tail is wagging with joy!
PeeEssWoo: Your mom is welkhomed to do anything she'd like with the poppy pikhs - they'll be more tomorrow and Friday too - they are on what we khall the third blokhk of our walk - and I know the drill about stopping to get my pikh taken with them - Mom is proud of me and always laughs that I want her to take more!
Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it to us, Bud and Gin... great to know more about you.
Licks, hero
miss ginger and buddy!!
gratsers on your first shiny award! ya'll totally deserve it! me and asa and mama are so glad we got to become friendz. :)
yeah, i now all about that tail waggin' stuff, too! my big sis asa, she is not a labradudette, but she loves to wag her tail just as much as i do! in fact, sometimes she wags it in a big circle motion, and my mama calls it "helicopter wags". teeheehee.
anywho, thanks for sharing those facts about yourselves. we liked learning more about the two of you.
i think you are lucky duckies since you get to eat ice cream! i've never had it before!
thank you so so very much for thinking of me 'n asa and passing your award on to us. we are very honored!!
the booker man
hoorah for your award~! very cool~!! :)
so that's how you keep your buns in shape!! :P
Hooray for u! :)
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