Yesterday however, Mummy and Daddy came back home much later than usual, all tired and ‘headachey’. We were very disappointed. 'There goes our special walk', we thought. We went and lay down, with the saddest look on our faces.
Mummy laughed and we knew we were going out after all!
‘Let’s go, Darlings’, was all we needed! And before she could get out of the door, we were at the gate!
We didn’t go any place far, just to the fields near our home. But it was a very special walk.
The temperatures were considerably down, the air smelt fresh, there was a lovely wind blowing. It was a perfect evening to run as much as you like without worrying about the heat.
We had real fun.
And then suddenly it happened! There was a beautiful orange glow in the sky that lit up everything around us. And in the distance, on the horizon, we saw the dark clouds approaching. Even as we watched, we saw a strange grey vertical shadow in the sky, moving towards us.
Mummy and Daddy seemed very excited to see it.
‘Look, Bud-Gin,that is the rain literally coming towards us!’
We hadn’t seen something like that before, but it looked very exciting!
Mummy felt really really disappointed that she didn’t have a camera with her to catch this lovely scene.
We don’t mind the rain. But the lightening and growling thunder is not something we like very much. We saw the flashes of lightening at a distance.
Now, whoever said ‘Light travels faster than sound didn’t have to know much Physics, did he?’ Even we know the angry growls can’t be far away when we see those flashes.
We jumped up into the car, ready to go back home. Mummy found that rather amusing, because normally we are not very keen to return from a walk.
As we reached our gates, the rain reached us.
We haven't deciphered why but Mummy behaves very funnily at any given opportunity to get wet in the rain! We cocked our heads and stared at her!
She kept calling for us to get down from the car. She was gladly getting wet, looking skywards, arms outstretched! We peered out of the open window and felt the drops on our noses. The rain was pretty heavy and cut into our fur.
No Mummy, we are not so very enthusiastic about the idea.
Mummy laughed. Sometimes we really crack her up, the way we resolutely put across our mind. On any given day, we'd rush her to open the car door so we can beat her at getting down from the car. And here we were, refusing to get down.
But then we just didn’t want to get wet.
Finally she got the idea and unlocked the front door. We both rushed in, with Daddy following suit.
We didn’t know there was something else waiting for us, something we enjoyed very much.
There were shopping bags for us to check out! So that is the reason Mummy and daddy came back late. And guess what they contained…?
NOMMIES and loads of stuff, JuSt for us!
(We were'nt about to pose for Ginger's kibble)
(OK, I see u got the flavour right. Meat and rice,just what I like)
(Aww Mummy, will u stop that please and give us some Nommies?)
(Daddy, PLEASE will u help?)
(Ah! Finally!)
(Nomm NOMM NOM!)
Pee Ess: There has to be an after-effect to getting wet in that torrential rain, added to working overtime. Mummy had a splitting headache.
Not that she learns from her mistakes.
Result: We missed our Saturday post.
Sunday diary: Mummy went on a ‘clean-up the house’ spree.
1.The house smells flowery!
2. Mummy has that smug look on her face!
3. We missed our Sunday post too!
What can two Labra-Dawgs do?

We are very, very sorry to learn just sometime back that MAXDOG has left us. It is difficult to find words to say what you feel at times like these....
Rain or no rain it sounds like you had a fun day!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
It sounds like a wonderful day! That sad look always works for me when I give it to mom. We hope your mom's headache is much better! Lots of love, Holly and mom Debbie
Wow you guys had a great day. Look at the treats you guys got I am jealous. Send some my way : )
Paws and Licks
yay for the walkie--but boo on the rain. at least for me--since i am not fond of getting wet. hehe.
don't you guys LOVE it when there are shopping bags full of goodies?? i do~!!
and i read about max in a few other blogs. :(
our thoughts and prayers are w/ him and his family.
TD and Ciara love the rain and never want to come on out of it. Phantom is with you two - he prefers to stay dry.
what a perfect day, a nice walk, beautiful skies, AND tasty nommies. Too bad about the storm but we think it was a good time overall.
We are very sad here too about Max, but we know he is happy and free now.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a weekend!
Of khourse, I would be the silly one sponging up all the pawesome rain!
What a special way to rekhall MaxDog!
None of us evFUR know what to say - or what we will say - we just try to woo something -
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
but of coise you got to go on your shpecial walk those were the cutest sad puppy face ever to be. those nommies look nommylicious and you are furry much loved.we are furry sad about maxdog as well. it is a sad day in bloggy land today for sure.
pibble sniffles
the pittie pack
I'd say all that fun was worth getting a little wet for! You two got some great loot!
It's a sad day for all of us!
We just love food and treats; but getting wet isn't one of our favourite things either. Sounds like a great walk. We're sorry your Mum got a headache.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Mom loves thunderstorms, but she prefers not to get wet. She's silly that way.
As for the vegies, we would gladly share, but I don't think we could get them to you while they are still fresh.
hihi miss gin and buddy!
you did a grrreat job describing the sky as the rain was comin' your way! i could totally see it in my head. :) i'm glad you got to have a nice run in the fields before the rain started, and then come home to all those super delicious foodables!
me and asa and mama are very sad to hear about mr. max. you are right that we will nevarrr forget him. he was an awesome doggie!
the booker man
Hi Buddy and Ginger.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm happy that we are friends now.
You know, I'm scared of lightning too; it looks like your Mum got you some yummy stuff !
Love, Bella.
I'm so glad for you that the air is cooler and the rain has come and freshened everything. Sorry to hear about your friend Maxdog - so sad.
We're so glad you got your walkies.:) I hope the headaches went away too. Look at all those nommies! Pawrents are the best!:)
Teddy Bear
What awesome treats! Lucky you!
We hope your mom's headache is gone!
We were so sorry to hear of Max's passing too and our hearts ache for MaxMom and her family.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a pawsome loot you have over there... nice nommies. Hope the ouchie in your mom head will soon go away.
Licks, hero
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