‘Phew!made it today’ is our usual reaction. And then she goes about helping us read all your blogs that we so eagerly follow, well, as many as is possible. Often, we doze off. You shouldn't blame us. Keeping the house safe the whole day while Mummy and Daddy are away is hard work.
But we have been managing. However, we are not so sure anymore.
You see, she is hooked into this book called 'The Lost Symbol' that she started reading yesterday (Mummy,that book is ancient already) and we are sure she is going to be at it for sometime, judging by the thickness of the book.
She loves Dan Brown and his character Robert Langdon and all the symbolism and ancient mysticism he writes about.
This new book talks about Neotic Science and the unmapped potential of the human mind, it’s ability to generate energy waves that can change material things around us. It says if you wish very hard, things come true.
WOW! Isn’t that interesting?
Mummy also likes the way this Dan Brown person puts in a nice thriller story using real life places as the backdrop. In this new book, he talks about the hidden ancient Masonic symbolism in the modern architecture of the White House and the Capitol Building and the Smithsonian.
Hey Furiends! Those of u who stay close by DC, Could you please go sniff around and find out if he got everything right?
We can understand why Mummy is so fascinated after we read a few chapters yesterday.
(Ginger reading with Mummy)
(Buddy dozed off after a tough dose of Neotic Science!)
So, Furiends, don’t blame us please, if the quality of our posts deteriorate and we don’t reply to your comments for sometime. We are hoping Mummy won’t ditch us altogether and at least help post something everyday.
We thought of chewing off a few pages so she can finish the book faster. But we haven’t done that since we were tiny puppies and the idea doesn’t appeal much now.
I guess you grow wiser to the far better treats life has to offer as you grow older.
Anyway, we have our paws crossed and are praying for the good health of every person. That way mummy can finish off her book at work and return to blogging full-time.

Pee ess: Mummy says HEAPS of thanks for liking her jeans bag. It took her an awfully long time and lot of button & zip hunting to get the look right.
Great post! I'm not surprised you fell asleep reading it!
My father was a lifelong Freemason - for him it was a way to give to those less fortunate - Freemasons give a lot to charity - and also a way to meet people in his Royal Naval career. Sometimes he was away for 3 years and through Freemasonry he was able to connect with others and participate, even though the languages were different.
Beth loves to read too! I'll have to tell her to check that book out. I just read SpongeBob. They are very good and informative books I must say....have a fun weekend....maybe if it's nice out you can read in the sun!
What an interesting book!! Don't chew the pages off please. I did that to one of mom's books the other day and she wasn't happy about it. I hadn't done that since I was a puppy but I was bored. Not a good excuse! Love the pictures of all of you with the book!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Hi B&G!
My mom luvs Dan Brown and she luvs the pictures on your post today too! She hasn't read The Lost Symbol yet but she is really looking forward to it!
WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We know what it's like when they get their noses in a book. Sometimes we have to remind HER when it is dinner or walkies. At least she lets you cuddle while she's reading.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
PeeS We've discovered we have to post after 5 p.m. to get our blog on the right day.
We didn't get to comment yesterday because our humans are so busy too. And it promises to get worse before it gets better. But we all did love Mom's jeans purse, very creative. Mom loves Dan Brown too and says she might have to find time to add that book to her already very long list of must-reads.
Havea great weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We totally understand how Mommies can get lost in a book. Happy readying to your Mummy. My Mommy says it's the book she's reading is a great book.
Teddy Bear
I really love your pictures of everyone reading!! We live near Washington DC and the Dan Brown book got a lot of press. My husband thinks there's something to it, especially knowing that George Washington was a Mason and some of the news shows are highlighting all that was right about the book...I hope you have an enjoyable weekend!!
My mom used to read but since I started blogging, I kind of use up all her reading time!
Thanks fur sharing this latest chapter in your lives!
We only allow Mom to read after she's caught us up on the blogs! You have to train them right from the beginning. She says that Dan Brown does write very interesting stories, though.
That book sure sounds interesting!
My mom says that it is not easy to blog all the time! Hmmm....
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
Loved the picture of your mom reading to you (although it looks like her eyes are closed) and I loved the picture of you asleep with the Dan Brown book under your arm (I mean, leg!) so I see a pattern here...do you? That book must not be that interesting if you are both asleep and if the bookmark hasn't moved! I suggest you throw the book in the trash or better yet....chew up the pages or tear the pages to shreds!
I am your newest follower! I found you via the Facebook dog club thingy!
You two are very smart puppies! How clever of Ginger to curl in just the right way to read the pages.
Mum has read and enjoyed the 'DaVinci Code' but hasn't read any more of his books since - too busy with her fingers in the mud ;)
Enjoy the book!
Nibbles & Headrubs
Nelly & Finn xx
Once in a while you have to let them do something like that. Sometimes a bit of reading allows them to come back all inspired. Of course, you've got your posts ready to go and just need a typist, so I'm not sure that inspiration will help. Still, it sounds like your mom works very hard and I guess she can have some slack until she finishes that book. Just don't let her start another one right away, K?
wags, Lola
thank you for being my newest furend~!! i love furends~!!! :)
and thank you for your compliments and about my boyfurend. he is actually remi's brother.
i know we will be great furends~!!
My mama has that book! She wants me to ask you if that book is good or not. She has not started reading that book yet; so far she is reading a book called "Dark Force Rising" by Timothy Zahn. She really like those sci-fi books particular star wars ones. I'm gonna tell her to start on the Dan Brown book when she is done reading her book!
Paws and Licks
Our mom hasn't read any books in so long! She says the doggie blogs are her chapters!
We love that picture of you and your mom reading together, Ginger!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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