Buddy here. THANX a TON for leaving all the encouraging comments for me. I really appreciate all your concern. I’d like you to know that I’m absolutely fine and my wounds are healing very well.
It feels great to be called a Hero (**Chin held high, eyes glowing**) But it was all in a day’s work. A Labradude has to do what he has to do. Thanks all the same (shrugs casually)
Ginger: Huh! (rolls eyes high) Friends, I tell you. It has gone to his head! (Snorts) He thinks he is qualified for the National Bravery Awards that the President hands out on our Republic Day!
Buddy: Oh! Whatever! Anyways Friends, Mummy has made a note of all your advice and will probably not hesitate to carry a stick, just in case. But then, I’ll be there of course.
Ginger: (Sighs deeply and Changes the subject)
Look what Daddy brought home the other day
(Mummy u forgot the flashy thing)
(Huge box of Treats?)
(Mummy that's too bright.Can't see a thing)
(Oh No! Just a printer)
(Buddy can't believe it.Double checks)
(So disappointing. No treats)
(Daddy,Don't you think the cable's too short?)
(Atleast the papers are in order)
(Buddy asked for the cartridge!)
(Can I atleast tear up that carton?)
(OK, this is FUN :)
Remember the other day Mummy had gone shopping? Well, a storage cupboard she had ordered finally got delivered.
It is modelled on an antique piece. However, the carton it came in says it was manufactured and packed in March 2010!!
But mummy is glad anyway.
And she told us that one of the shelves will get filled with treats for us both!
She's placed this model of Buddy and Me snuggling, on her new cupboard.
This is Our latest pic in Real Life

Hi Guys,
So happy that you are OK Buddy, but Ginger is right you shouldn't let it go to your head. Well maybe for a couple of days it will be OK. At least you got to tear up the box!
I will check back with you later.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PS My mom goofed when she entered my blog in the linky thing :(
so go ahead and delete my blog from your list (number 15) and she will try again later.
Stopping by to say hello from Pet Blogger Hop! I am so excited to meet new Pet Bloggers thank you for linking up.
Two Little Cavaliers,
Davinia & Indiana
I am so glad to have first read that you are doing well before I read what happened to you. You are so lucky it wasn't worse and that you have a mommy and daddy who were rright there and able to take care of the two of you.
Glad that Buddy is doing well! He's definitely earned his hero badge for sure!
Hi Buddy & Ginger,
Glad you're on the mend Buddy. Isn't shredding cardboard boxes the best? Any cupboard that holds treats is fabulous - this one is really pretty too. Are you chilling under the bed there? Must try that some time.
Nelly xx
Hey Buddy-Boy - hang in there! You've had such a nasty experience - there are some BAAAAD dogs out there - but your folks nees you to get well. Hugs, wags, licks from all of us here :-)
Awww...you guys are so cute. And I like your mom's new cupboard, 'specially cuz there's gonna be treats in there for you. But I'm gonna have to agrees with you on the printer - BOOOOO-RING! Glad you at leat gots to tear up the box. I bet that was FUN!
Wiggles & Wags,
I just hate it when an exciting box arrives here and there isn't a thing for me in it! Fortunately, that happens very rarely!
Sorry fur the lakhk of Ginger and Buddy pressies in that box!
That is a nice storage khupboard - I khan see why she likes it!
How disappointing that there is nothing interesting in that box for you guys! We feel certain that the next box that comes will be for you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Too bad about the printer. We got a new modem and Bella not only chewed the box, but the extra wires and bits, as well! But she says if it's left on the floor, you don't want it any more. So she goes into action.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
We're glad that there'll be treats for you!
We think Buddy and all of you were a hero and all of you should hold your heads high!!! That was a scary experience!! Love the new things and the cupboard with the statue of the doggies is adorable!! Chewing up boxes is always fun!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Ginger you are very lucky to have such a caring and brave brother. Hey I know all about protecting the lil ones - I stand guard over my lil sis Becky. OK I am a Cavalier so... hugging is more my thang, ya know?
Mom said to tell you before Me, she had a blonde lab just like you for 15 yrs and before that many black labs - they are special to her.
Miss Kodee & Miz Becky
via Pet Blogger Hop
I'm so glad that Buddy is well. I think he deserves that bravery award from the president. Why not? Who better? Blog Mom says she likes that cupboard very much, too.
wags, Lola
We're also glad that Buddy is on the mend--But with all the great care and love, how could he not??!! My dogs love packages too, and keep hoping that sometime one will arrive for them!! Enjoy your weekend!!
Ginger, maybe you need to tap that boy back in line? At least you have a protector should any other bad things happen in future!
MM those boxy bits and pieces would of been brilliant to steal and run away with!
Hello Ginger and Buddy,
We found you thru the blog hop, we are so happy to have you as our first Labrafuriends, our first so far!
We read about the strays, BowWow, Buddy sure is a brave boy, thank Dog he is okay. We can understand how you feel, Ginger, it is sad to see doggies that don't have humans to take care of them, but you do have to be careful around them. It makes us realize how lucky we are.
Have a Grrrreat Weekend!
Grins and Kisses,
Ying and Yang
Hi, Buddy and Ginger!
Shopping... shopping.... shopping...
My mom loves to do that too!
But... a printer?? Hmmm...
Well, at least you had fun with the carton!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Buddy, we're so glad you're ok.:) My Mommy thinks your Mommy's new storage thing is very nice!:) And that mold of the two of you is priceless, just like the last picture. It's like you're holding hands.:)
Teddy Bear
Glad to hear that Buddy is feeling better now... and that's a great looking cabinet. Psst... check the other bags, the treats might be there.
Licks, hero
Stopping by from the pet blogger hop! I read all about the very brave Buddy & I'm glad that he is okay
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