We Labra-Dawgs don’t sulk. We are like forever happy! So keeping in tune with our character, we decided the best thing to do would be to reminisce about one we enjoyed earlier.
When I say we I mean me- Ginger, Mummy and Daddy. Buddy hadn’t yet come to live with us when we went on this trip I want to tell you about.
This holiday was really special for me, because I saw the Sea for the very first time.
We live pretty far away from the coastline and though we all love water, it isn’t possible for us to go on these trips frequently.
So this trip was extra special.
It was morning when we reached our beach. We had been travelling all night and were pretty tired. So when Mummy said ‘We are here, Gin-gin’, I was relieved.
‘Oh, Thank dog, I can catch up on my sleep now’, I thought. My eyelids were drooping!
But as soon as she let me down from the car, I could smell something very different in the air.
Sniff, sniff….SNIFF.
I was super excited now, I’d never smelt something like this. So many pee-mails, all so different! And what is with the ground? Sand and sand and more sand everywhere. My paws sank in and I made Mummy laugh because I was walking funny!
And then I saw it….that vast stretch of water, gurgling and whoosing, and the never ending sand for miles!
I rushed in, all wobbly and funny till suddenly this huge wave came rolling towards me.
My Gosh! I stepped back, a little scared.
The sand now felt firmer, the water cold and I tested it marching up and down along the waterline. Mummy and Daddy found all this rather funny.
Daddy went straight to the sea, beckoning me to follow him.
'What? You are not even going to change? What about breakfast? And can’t you see how tired and sleep-deprived I am?'
But no amount of doleful pleading could cover up my apprehension.
And can you believe it?
Daddy actually carried me, a labradudette, and jumped into the sea!!!
‘The indignity’, I thought, wriggling, protesting!
(Swimming lessons in the sea)
But then, the moment we hit the water, my apprehension was gone.And I discovered what the sea was all about.
We had friends with us. Mummy and Daddy’s human friends and their Labradude Mogli and Labradudette Krazy.
Krazy and Mogli had been to the sea earlier and were used to the waves. They too helped me get over my trepidation.
As the hours passed, I slowly understood why Mummy loves the sea so much.
We had fun- running in the sand, digging for shells, finding crabs and watching the fisherman bringing in their boats full of freshly caught fish.
(Krazy and Me)
(Cooling off with daddy)
(Ice-cream break)
(Racing Mummy!)
(I won!)
(Finally!Lounging...watchin the sea)
(Who's browner? Didn't know a Labradudette can get tanned!)
(See that pile on the left? That is just ONE fishing net!)
(The fishermen,hauling in their boat)
In the evening, we took long walks on the shore, testing the water bare-paw, feeling the cool breeze and taking in the soothing sound of the waves rolling.
‘I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky; and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by’.
-John Masefield
It was too short a trip, if you ask me. Just two days. Mummy says we will go back, this time with Buddy. The athelete that he is, he sure would love to run on the beach and swim against the waves.

gin-gin--what a fun time you had~!! i don't like to get wet so i would probably just watch my brofur and sister play in the water while i lay around on a towel with a big umbrella over me--oh yeahhhhh~ ;)
thanks so much for sharing about your trip~!!
Ironic, isn't it? I live near the ocean and don't like water. You are made for water and live far away from it. I hope you get to go again soon and take lots of photos of you and Buddy. I don't like to get wet but I don't mind looking at other dogs getting wet if they're enjoying it.
wags, Lola
Ginger that was a wonderful holiday! We love looking at pictures of our holidays too to remind us of the great times we had. Next time I wonder who will win the race?
Nelly xx
GIn, that looks like a fantastic holiday. I'm so glad that you loved the water. It's so fun swimming in the ocean. I hope you all get to go to the water soon.:) Please tell your Mummy (from my Mommy) that The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins are excellent reads.
Teddy Bear
Very nice, thanks for sharing your holiday fun. By all means take Buddy next time. Nothing better than Labs and water.....woooopppeeeeee
KT and Lady
That really looks like so much fun!! Mom has been to the beach but I haven't seen it yet. Thanks for taking us with you! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Thanks fur sharing those fun times!
I've nevFUR been there - at least with my mom -
She's not much of a beach type so I don't know if I'll get there or not!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Ginger - what a marvelous vacation that was!!! We have never seen the ocean but Mom says it is just wonderful. She misses it a lot because she used to live on the East Coast of our country and spent a lot of time at the beach in the summer. Maybe one day we will get there too.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That looks like an amazing trip! The other hounds here have all been to the beach, but I never have. I'm hoping I'll get to go this fall. I think I will like it immensely!
What a wonderful trip! We would love to play in the water and sand :)
Emma Rose
What a pawsome holiday, Ginger... it reminds me of my first trip to the beach where I was apprehensive of the sea but once I get the hang of it, it was fun... Hope you get to go again with Buddy next time round.
Licks, hero
Wow, what a wonderful and beautiful holiday!! I won't show the pictures to our crew, they'll be jealous!!! :-))
What a beatiful place! Your are lucky. My poppa says we can't go to the beach because the oil spill has ruined our beaches. That is not fair! You don't know what you got till its gone! : (
Paws and Licks
miss gin,
what a special trip you went on with your mama and daddy! that beach place looks totally wonderful! i've nevarrr been there either, just like buddy. my mama loves the beach very much, and she says our house is about a 2 hour car ride from the coast. hopefully, we will go this summer so i can experience the sand 'n waves like you did! i hope you and buddy and your parents get to go back to your special beach very soon. :)
the booker man
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