Mummy has played on just one occasion, that is when we once let her take time-off from her job as ‘Typist and Editor’ of our blog!
Her enthusiasm has rubbed off onto us. And we are playing today too…!
We unanimously voted for 'TIGGER' as our FACE OF THE WEEK.
He epitomises our love for stuffies. And he is a bouncy, happy stuffy, with a zeal for life, so like us Labra-Dawgs.
Besides that he reminds us of 'STRIPEY- the Indian Tiger-Cub'
The tigers in India are in the Red List of Endangered species. It is a shame because the Tiger is our National animal.
Did you know? There are only just 1411 tigers left in the Indian Jungles. And this figure includes even the Royal Bengal Tigers found exclusively in the Sunderban Delta, (the largest Delta in the world) in an eastern state of our country, called West Bengal.
It makes us feel very, very sad.
Our heart goes out to Stripey who is so lonely, scared and lost in the wild, dark jungle.
Please do take a moment to visit him HERE. We are sure you will empathise with us.
Doesn’t he look exactly like ‘TIGGER’, our ‘Face of The Week’?

Pee Ess: Mummy too is playing today. You can check out her ‘Face of the Week’ HERE if you want to.
Hi there!
Thanks for participating in Face of the Week. I think the problem was that you were looking at an older one, the one for this week is still open and I went ahead and moved your posst to that one. Hope that is ok.
This week's is at:
I absolutely LOVE Tigger he is my favorite Disney figure. Thanks so much for making him your Face of the Week. Love the other photo
of the Tiger cub...he is just gorgeous. Thanks so much again! Have a great week!
Sistertex at Spacial Peepol.
Very impressive video - the poor tigers, hope something can be done to increase their numbers.
The grandkids here love Tigger and Pooh. They even have a Tigger who does cartwheels.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So sad about the magnificent tigers - why do humans so often despoil the things they touch? Tigger is lovely :-)
mummy and i hate that there are so little tigers left in the world. they are such beautiful creatures and humans should let them be and stop invading their territory and hunting them!! :(
i hope we can save them before it's too late!!
So sad....
Great first post for Face of the Week! Tigger is adorable and the tiger is beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog too!
Well, I'm more of a Piglet fan though Tigger is cool too.
Woooos! we went and watched the Tiger video, so sad what humans do to others. We love Tigger too! After all my human granddad works for the giant mouse named Mickey!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Tigger is wonderful, but that portrait of the real tiger is even more beautiful. Nice face of the week!
wags, Lola
Awww! Tigger is a great Face of the Week! We love Spacial People!
Tiggers are bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy fun!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Great post! We hit that blog too!
The most wonderful thing about Tigger, Tigger's a wonderful thing! We didn't know about tigers being endangered. We hope to see lots of baby tigers being born soon.:)
Teddy Bear
So few bengal tigers is a horrible shame. They are beautiful animals!
We love Tigger! He's bouncy and fun!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
miss gin and buddy,
i like your face of the week a lot cuz i totally dig tigger! bouncy bouncy fun fun fun!! :)
you have beautiful tigers where you live. it's sad that there are so few of them left, though. me and asa and mama can't understand why some hoomans would be so cruel to these lovely animals.
the booker man
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