Hope you had a Grrrt weekend. We had a quiet Sunday here. It was very hot the whole day, almost touching 42 degrees centigrade!! So, after a quick walk none of us were willing to venture out. We enjoyed a LOOONNGG afternoon siesta.
We think Mummy would have slept longer, only the phone rang and she started talking.
Now, sleeping and talking over phone are two things mummy does to perfection!!
She won’t wake up till we lick her awake and she won’t stop chatting till Daddy calls for her!
Today of course she couldn’t talk for long. It was my friend Rick’s Mom telling Mummy that they were about to leave India for their home in Boston. Rick is the youngest friend we have. Here are some of his pictures from when he came visiting.
It’s fun playing with him. But we have to be gentle with him. He is just a baby still!! Hope he grows up fast so he can take us out for walks when he comes visiting again.
In the evening, when it was a little cooler, we went to get some groceries and stuff with Mummy and Daddy. But it wasn’t much fun. There were a lot of kids and people around and many of them were pretty scared of us both because we are big dawgs.
Can you imagine that? Scared of us? Come on people! We are Labradawgs; can’t you see how Pawdorable we are?
Besides, Mummy says it is a good thing we are big. There is more of us to hug!
Anyway, we decided to stay in the car with Daddy while Mummy went to get the things.
Suddenly, Buddy started woofing loudly. Daddy went to find what it was that he had seen. And after a few seconds, he came back holding a tiny little Puppy girl! She was a Pug named Casie.
We tried to lick her nose and say Hello but the poor little thing was shaking so hard. She was scared! Even her Hooman was scared of us! Oh DOG, why is everybody scared of us? How rude.
Soon, Mummy was back with a handful of bags. We saw her at a distance and she waved to us. So she hadn’t seen Casie yet.
We were waiting; we knew she would go wild like she always does when she meets another Dog.
And then she saw her! She immediately abandoned her bags right there and picked Casie up! She went wild of course.
Huh! She behaves so silly sometimes. Yeah that Puppy was cute, but Big Deal. And she wasn't even willing to be friends with us.
Anyways, once Mummy was back in the car, we sniffed and sniffed and sniffed. No, nothing much special, just that pup!
She didn't have her camera with her today, so we can't show u how Casie looked. But we googled for her nearest look-alike.
She could see we were a little hurt because she took so, so long with Casie while we were waiting for her. She hugged us and told us again that we are her Dearest, Cudliest Dolls and she loves us to eternity.
Yeah we know mummy, we love you too.
(I am Mummy's Big Boy Buddy)
(I am Mummy's Doll girl, Ginger)
And Thank Dogness, after her bath she is back to smelling like Us and not Casie.

I can't believe they were scared of you! If they could have seen the pictures of you and Rick they would have been embarassed about getting all panicky over nothing, I'm sure. It's good you tried to explain that you were labradawgs. Maybe they'll go home and look it up.
wags, Lola
Cute little boy you have there - hope he comes back soon too.
Glad to hear that Buddy is OK and what a nice printer Daddy got. We hope you know how to open that cabinet so you will be able to get some good treats.
Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
howdy there, and nice to meet you
the houston pitie pack here. thanks for visiting our bloggy wanna be furryends? we fink you and your human boy are full of the cutness and we send you some pibble sugars
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
It is strange the way some peoples act about big dogs. They just panic and run away! I love big dogs. Cute little boy too!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Peoples were scared of you? YOU? That's just the craziest wackiest thing I've ever heard of in my whole entire life! Here in Collie-rado USA, (note from mom - it's actually Colorado), almost everybuddy has a labradawg it seems like. And pretty much nobody is skeered of them at all.
I liked seeing that picture of your little friend. He is very very cute and it looks like you are Most Gentle with him.
Wiggles & Wags,
Those pictures are adorable! I can't believe they were scared of you!
Pshaw! You're not even that big! I met a Great Dane at the arthritis walk that I could walk right underneath, and I'm as tall as my labracousins! Now THAT is a big dog! Don't sweat it! As long as your mom knows she's part of your pack and has your stink on her, all is good!
We love the sleeping picture best, you were very gentle with Rick. Bet he'll miss you lots.
Yeah, some people are very strange around big dogs. Our Alpha says she's only ever been bitten by little dogs!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Sooooo cute!
Hi Buddy and Ginger,
Thanks for visiting my blog. Sure we can be furiends. I read the post of Buddy taking on the pack of strays and think he is a very brave doggy!
Hello there - very nice to meet you! Thank you for visiting our blog :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hi Buddy and Ginger,
Look how nice you played with your little friend Rick when he was visiting you. It's too bad Cassie and her people was scared of you. I just don't understand that at all. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi, Ginger and Buddy!
Here we had the same 42 degrees! Very hot!
Don't worry! Your mom was just being nice with Casie!
We all know you two are her real love!
Kisses and hugs
We had 42 degrees real feel but not YOUR C degrees!
Happy Mother's Day to your special mummy!
42 degrees IS hot. How could anyone be scared of you two? Humans are so silly! Happy Mother's Day to your Mummy.:)
Teddy Bear
Aww, Ginger and Buddy, some humans are just not used to dogs or they'd know not to be afraid of you big softies.
Lucky you! It has been about 8 degrees here, heading into the wintertime!
I hope that little monster didn't make you eat the tasties from his schnoz! I seen the little finger fossicking around in his noosel.
Little friends are grand!
Koda MD
What a cutie Ricky is! We love the picture of him sitting on your back!
We hope your mom had a wonderful mother's day!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We just love Rick! Especially on the photo where he is riding you (and picking his nose at the same time - he's showing true multi-tasking ability there. That boy will go far!)
42 degrees C is mighty hot. How do you guys stay cool?
Nelly xx
miss ginger and buddy,
how totally neato that you have that little hooman pup, rick, to play with! he is such a cutie patootie!
i can't believe anybuddy would be scared of you. :( we labradoggies are the friendliest doggies out there! well, i am a little partial, but still!
i hope your mama had a grrreat mother's day. :)
the booker man
aww....cute babies....u both r jst too adorable to be afraid of...ya i do agree wid ur mom dat thrz more of u to hug...which i favour completely...evn jack...my hero getz tired when i jst can't get too much of hugging him n cuddling him....n he also sniffs n sniffs abt wenevr i go cuddle sum othr dog...he jst can;t stand it n starts chewing my hand!! but i think u both hav put ur thots well here...cudos to ur mom!!! keep it up!! luv,
Sohini n Jack... :)
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