But guess what? It was just a loose baby tooth that had fallen off!!! I was more intrigued than anything with all the fuss daddy was creating. The bleeding stopped immediately afterwards and over time, my (very lovely) permanent teeth grew back.
Of course mummy kept those two teeth. Actually it is just one tooth and a small chip off another.
(You can see how tiny they are actually)
I don’t know what happened to all the other baby teeth. They had fallen off sometime or the other, without me or Mummy or Daddy noticing.
Mummy is very, very glad and thinks she is lucky she could collect those two. She says it is a part of my puppyhood, preserved forever.
PEE ESS: Sometimes Mummy feels a little bad that we never got to see any of Buddy’s puppyhood. He is a real sweetheart and she thinks he must have been a cutie-pie as a puppy. We could get just one puppy picture of him from his earlier family. Will post it someday for you.
But we are very thankful he is with us now.

Cute teeth. Glad your Mom could save some. M wishes she could have seen us as puppies but we were older when M & D rescued us from not so good lives. But it is all good now, we are happy & healthy. That is good.
Did the tooth fairy come?
Gin-Bud's mom :
You should write one blog how you guys met Buddy and how he became a part of your family.. I am sure everyone would love to hear that story!
Wow, puppy tooth! Mom still has some of PlusOne's baby teeth, but don't tell anyone.
If you lived closer mom would definitely share the raspberries with you, no problem. As for why I am called the devil dog, heh heh heh, trust me, there are reasons.
Table dancing comes to mind.
yes yes--what remi said--did the tooffairy come and leave you a treat?? hummmm--mum and i don't knwo what happened to me baby teefs either.... :/
Ginger, you were an adorable puppy! I've heard that most of us eat our puppy teeth. Mom says that when she was a little girl, her border collie lost almost all of his puppy teeth chasing her sister's big wheel and biting the wheel!
Mom wishes she knew me when I was a puppy but wasn't to be -
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Oh, Ginger, we love your baby photo. Puppy teeth are hard to find! Mommy only has one of my puppy teeth. I guess I ate all the others.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi, Ginger!
It is pawesome that your mom kept your puppies toofies!
Like Teddy, my mom has only one of mine. She thinks I ate all the others! hmmm...
Kisses and hugs
That is so sweet. We don't have anything from my babyhood, as I got here only last year from rescue. I'm sorry for the Moms that they don't even have one baby picture because I can tell you, I was adorable.
wags, Lola
We have a little pot of baby teeth from various puppies.
You were a gorgeous baby...and we bet Buddy was too.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Mom has saved some of my puppy teeth and Mitch's too but she mixed them up together so we don't know whose toofies are whose!
You were sure a cute pup, Ginger!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We have also saved some of Eva's puppy tooth. We're still waiting for the tooth fairy!
Ooooh, those puppy teeth are sharp little boogers, eh?
Cute puppy picture!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
What a cute story, Ginger. Mom was disappointed because she never found any of Ciara's puppy teeth. She just got all her adult teeth so fast - she zoomed right through puppyhood. Hope the tooth fairy brought you some yummy treats.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
In all the years we've had dogs (and cats) we've only ever found three puppy teeth. I think they swallow them.
Cute puppy pics, Ginger... and your mom is so sweet to save those baby teeth for remembrance. Hope to see Buddy's puppy pic one day.
Licks, hero
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