We are finally up and awake! Had a wet weekend…the monsoon rain is here. The hot, hot sun has finally decided to take a nap behind clouds and there is mud, MUD n MORE mud everywhere!! Sheer BLISS!!
But Poor Mummy and Daddy, they are having a hard time cleaning us and the house up. Anybuddy with a modicum of smell or sight can tell you which rooms we had been to!!
We had told you earlier we had a very, very busy weekend. Well, Mummy and Daddy has been working overtime and that means lonely, long hours for us at home. To ensure that we don’t get too bored waiting for them and fret and fidget, Daddy has been taking us for vigourous runs in the mornings. That way, we get so tired that we sleep the day off. And then when they come back late, they take out us for some more outings!
To make up for leaving us alone for so long, we are guessing!
We are not complaining, we have been having a blast splashing in the rain drenched fields.
But you can imagine how tired Mummy and Daddy gets with all this activity.
Finally, after 3 days of a hectic, crazy schedule, we all were so relieved it was Sunday!
We don’t have pictures (Mummy refused to get her precious camera wet in the rain) but you have to take our word for it that we had loads of fun.
It is football season!
(Photo: Courtesy Google)
Can you imagine, we Labradawgs don’t have a decent football?
The one that we have is crushed beyond recognition! It's Unphotographable!
Mummy hasn’t been getting us one (inspite of all our imploring looks and refusal to play with that mess of a ball) because it takes us just about 7 seconds to puncture a new one and she says it is not worth it. Instead, she asks us to stick to the tennis and cricket balls.
Now, we wonder what the rubber industries are doing. They have come up with tuff-up puncture resistant tyres, why on earth, sun and moon can’t they come up with a fang-bite resistant ball?
They are loosing out on a huge chunk of customers, don’t you think?
Anyway, we are watching all those men running after such lovely balls and it makes us rather indignant! Mummy told us it is some type of a new ball too- ‘Adidas Jabulani’ which is causing all those gaffes. Now is it slippery or what?
(No guys, it's not ours.Just a googled pic!)
Such fun it would be to get one! Sigh!
India isn’t playing in the football world cup. So we have the option of supporting one of our furiend’s countries.
Now, that is what is making us all confused.
So many of our furiends are from the US and the UK. Then, there is Lorenza from Mexico, Koda from New Zealand, Bella the westie and our dear Scottie trio- Daisy, Kendra, Bella from Australia.
Besides, Mummy and Daddy are crazy about many players from Italy and France and Brazil and Argentina and Germany.
Daddy says we should watch the matches for the spirit of the game and enjoy the HUGE excitement! And Mummy says she will support the handsomest players!
Silly, silly Mummy!
Anyways, BEST of LUCK to all your teams, dear Furiends. We will cheer for all of you.
But all said and done, we still think Mummy should get us a new Football. Don’t you?

I think you absolutely, positively really need a new football! Turn your sad eyes on your mom!
We heard this morning that they might ban the vuvuzelas from the games because they're too noisy!
We're not huge soccer fans -- baseball is our game -- but we think it's important to follow what Maxmom has initiated: Unity in Diversity to support this worldwide event.
And if you don't have a team preference, well them it's not a bad idea to support the handsomest players, as your mom suggested.
And you definitely should have a new ball to play with!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Those new soccer balls might need to be punctured! Handsomest players seems like a good way to go. Our team got slaughtered the other night (and we must say they weren't playing well and deserved it.)
Early and late runs in the rain sound Great!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
We're staying neutral too and just having fun watching the soccer games!
Have you ever had a Jolly ball? We've had ours for years and haven't popped it yet!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Woooos! Yes, woo need a new football! I had a real nice one, wrapped up in a rope so I could pick it up and throw it, but sadly it popped one day after the border collie got it....
At least woo get to go fur walkies, here it it way too hot, even in the early morning... we would burn our pawpads.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I always sleep the day away. I think that's my job. I sure keep mom busy all evening, though!
You need a new ball. No question there. I don't think I'm rooting for any team in pawticular in the World Cup. Baseball is the family favorite here, too. I'm just enjoying reading about so many furiends being excited about it. I wish everyone could win.
wags, Lola
Most definitely!!!
I mean, woo are being soooo furry good during all their long hours!
Thank fur sharing all your 'fun' with us!
I agree with our friends!
I new ball is in order!
We have our favorite team to win this World Cup... and it is not Mexico! Ooops!
Kisses and hugs
My poppa really likes the world cup. He watches it everyday. My momma is not much of a football/soccer fan. My momma hopes that italy or spain will win the world cup! Yay!
Paws and Licks
A new football is definitely needed.:) We are staying neutral too...there are so many good teams. We love cheering everyone on.:)
Teddy Bear
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