It is fairly easy to pawticipate. All you have to do is talk about a friend of yours and link back to their page.
So, taking a page out of many of our fellow bloggers blogs, we are posting our first FRIENDLY FRIDAY post.
Today we want to talk about a very unique, very special Doggy- our friend KAALICHARAN.
Kaalicharan is a Himalayan Mastiff and in his own words, is a ‘literate canine with a grammar handicap, and resembles a bear both in size and hugs.’
His human Calvy has been named after, yes,you guessed it.... !
Though Kaalicharan lists ‘chasing cats’ as one of his many pawsonal interests, he is a very compassionate, illustrious and exemplary dog, serving as an inspiration for many of us here in India.
Kaalicharan blogs at . Please do go visit him. We know you will like him very much.
He writes about all animals, about their loves, lives and ordeals that they often have to face due to human cruelty. He has been trying to bring together dog lovers from all over India and to try and make everyone well informed about the legalities involved in animal welfare.
We wish there were more dogs and pawple like him and his human. A few more voices like theirs and many anipals in India would have a much better life.
Kaalicharan is currently working on a new project…compiling a ‘DOG BOOK’ on Face book. He is taking in pictures of all us Dawgs and also our humans. We are sure he wouldn’t mind if you send in pictures of your feline cousins too. After all, he has a lot of love for everyone in his huge Mastiff-heart!
So friends, don’t slack. Ask your Mums and Dads to rush in your adorable pictures to Kaalicharan and get featured in his book.
He also has a twitter account, in case you are interested.
A Dawg can’t get any more tech-savvy than this, don’t you think?
Have a lovely weekend,

Hi Ginger and Buddy!
Thank you for going to visit Jimmy and for introducing me to Kaalicharan. He and his human sound most wonderful. We'll go over right away and meet them!
Wiggles & Wags,
Hi! It's so great to meet you :) Wow, Kaalicharan and Jimmy sound amazing, we'll be heading over there too - happy weekend!
I can't wait to meet him!
Thanks for playing along with Friendly Friday!
Nubbin wiggles,
miss ginger and buddy,
thankies for introducin' all of us to your special friend kaalicharan and his hooman mr. calvy! he really is a smart dude and full of the technologicals! oh, and i love that his hooman is named after calvin from calvin and hobbes! me and asa and mama totally dig that comic! anywho, we will go on over and meet kaalicharan right now! :)
the booker man
Thanks for introducing your friends, we'll go over to check out the blog. WE need more people and dogs like them in the world.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
We like Calvy's blog. Thanks for showing us the way. Belly rubs to Ginger and Buddy.
KT and Lady
We'll go over right away and say hi.:)
Teddy Bear
gingina and bud~! thank you for sharing~!! :D
Hi Ginger and Buddy,
Thank you for introducing us to your friend. We can't wait to go over there to say "hi".
Hi Ginger and Buddy, thanks for telling us about your friends, Kaalicharan and Jimmy. They sound very interesting and we'll go over there to say 'hi' later on.
Have a happy Halloween!
Your friends sound like great pawple. We'll try to get there as soon as possible. Right now we're working on catching up with at least some of the ones we already know, but as soon as we do, we're there.
lotsa licks, Lola
First thing on a Monday morning and I come across your wonderful post:)
Thanks Ginger & Buddy!
Words always desert me when I need them the you!
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