Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
YIPEEE! We’re Off To Luna’s…
I have been racking my brains, wondering what to wear for Luna’s pawty.
She has a Halloween theme…it shouldn’t have been difficult. But I ALWAYS have so much problem deciding on a costume. Besides, I am not much of a fashionista, just like to keep it simple.
So it is all the more difficult…
I tried on my Gypsy look.
Nopes! I don’t think I like it.
STOP IT, Buddy! Stop laughing now!
SHUT UP, Buddy.
Dog! I hope we aren’t late. I think I’ll just stick to ‘minimalistic’.
Wish you a SPOOKKKY Halloweeen too! See you all at the pawty, Friends
Friday, October 29, 2010
It is fairly easy to pawticipate. All you have to do is talk about a friend of yours and link back to their page.
So, taking a page out of many of our fellow bloggers blogs, we are posting our first FRIENDLY FRIDAY post.
Today we want to talk about a very unique, very special Doggy- our friend KAALICHARAN.
Kaalicharan is a Himalayan Mastiff and in his own words, is a ‘literate canine with a grammar handicap, and resembles a bear both in size and hugs.’
His human Calvy has been named after, yes,you guessed it.... !
Though Kaalicharan lists ‘chasing cats’ as one of his many pawsonal interests, he is a very compassionate, illustrious and exemplary dog, serving as an inspiration for many of us here in India.
Kaalicharan blogs at . Please do go visit him. We know you will like him very much.
He writes about all animals, about their loves, lives and ordeals that they often have to face due to human cruelty. He has been trying to bring together dog lovers from all over India and to try and make everyone well informed about the legalities involved in animal welfare.
We wish there were more dogs and pawple like him and his human. A few more voices like theirs and many anipals in India would have a much better life.
Kaalicharan is currently working on a new project…compiling a ‘DOG BOOK’ on Face book. He is taking in pictures of all us Dawgs and also our humans. We are sure he wouldn’t mind if you send in pictures of your feline cousins too. After all, he has a lot of love for everyone in his huge Mastiff-heart!
So friends, don’t slack. Ask your Mums and Dads to rush in your adorable pictures to Kaalicharan and get featured in his book.
He also has a twitter account, in case you are interested.
A Dawg can’t get any more tech-savvy than this, don’t you think?
Have a lovely weekend,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
It was a beautiful morning!
The dancing sunbeams peeking from behind the cottony clouds made their way into our living room, streaking us golden.
A longer walk this morning and hopes of a brighter, happier day!
Evening tea was bound to be an interesting affair.
A pleasant evening after the gloom of incessant rain never fails to cheer up Mummy. And this almost always leads to one of her culinary experiments!
EVERYONE in this household considers food ‘liberating’. Nothing, we think, can beat an interesting aroma wafting from the kitchen.
We were already drooling in anticipation when Mummy, immediately after she was back from work, declared ‘Special tea today, dahlins! And I promise it will be quick.’
Daddy settled down and munched on biscuits to help lessen the anticipatory drooling! Well, it seems to work with him!
We decided to guide Mummy…hasten the process, you know, as she is prone to day-dreaming a lot while cooking!
Step 1: Smear sauce of your choice on bread or pizza-base slices. Our choice was Pizza Base tomato + English mustard sauce.
Ginger doesn’t like tomato sauce. So for her, no sauce!
Step 2: Raid the fridge for fruits and veggies. We recommend- tomatoes, cucumber, pineapple, corn-kernels (steamed). Baby-corn slices, lettuce, olive
(Mummy, I never said I don’t like sauce! And where are the toppings?)
(Ok! That’s better! )
Step 3: Butter, melted yummy butter!
Step 4: Mozzarella cheese (HEAPS!)
Wait for the cheese to melt and drip down…
( Yumm one…yumm two…yumm three….Oh! Torture)
Ready to eat ‘TOASTIZZA’
Step 5 (Optional. Who wants to wait anymore, anyway!): Sprinkle Red chilli powder, ground white pepper, thyme, rock salt.
Ginger & Buddy
Monday, October 25, 2010
Things have been crazy here for the last few days.
For one, Mummy and Daddy have been coming back home very, very late. And then, the rain is back with a vengeance! The days are getting shorter and darker, much more so because of the rains.
We were looking forward to a better kind of weekend, hoping for an improvement on these last few days, wishing hard for the rain to go away.
The sun did come out, but only as if to pacify us. It stayed for just over a couple of hours and hurried away to make way for the horrid rain.
But those couple of hours were enough inspiration for Mummy. She declared we were going to do some ‘Spring cleaning’.
We don’t know what Mummy was thinking, but we are ABSOLUTELY certain it isn’t spring now. It is Autumn.
Yeah, we know the weather outside looks like it is late winter. But we are pawsitive.
Anyway, spring or no spring, Mummy wasn’t joking about the cleaning part.
Well, about time too if you ask us. Another week of putting it off and we would have disappeared under layers of dust and we could have harvested mushrooms out of the refrigerator instead of buying them from the super-markets!
Alright, we ARE exaggerating now!! It wasn’t as bad as all that but you get our drift.
Well, Mummy zealously got down to this cleaning business. The ENTIRE house was in a mess the entire day!
Everything got dusted, scrubbed and washed.
Including US!!
She threw away sorted out loads of things too.
(Oh My Dog! Buddy, come quick! I think Mummy has thrown away ALL our food!)
On top of losing ALL our food, there were hardships aplenty. Late breakfast, late walks, NO siesta and ABSOLUTELY NO play!
Of course, all our hopes of blog hopping were dashed!
Finally, very late in the evening, everything was done.
Mummy is very pleased with her handiwork, but we think she is most pleased about finding something really special she had thought was lost!
It doesn’t fit beyond my neck anymore! Tee Heee Heee..
Oh! Was I really that small? My harness now looks SO much larger!
Mummy says she will be better organised not let it get lost this time and preserve it for posterity!
And Thank Dogness, our food was miraculously back!
We know now what they mean when they say ‘We are Dog Tired!’
Our paws are aching and we can barely keep our eyes open.
It is time we call it a day…err…early night!
Now,Why do you have to ‘call it a day’ when it is night?
Oh! This is all so confusing! But we shall ponder over that later!
For now…Bonsoir…
Friday, October 22, 2010
Yes, she is a water-buffalo and I meet her everyday on my morning walks.
Thank you very much for your concern. But I would like to reassure you that there is no cause for worry.
That buffalo is indeed my friend and we understand each other very well.
There are these fields about 2 kilometres from our home. Actually those are empty housing plots. The builders, somehow, haven’t yet got down to constructing houses!
Good for us, because there isn’t usually anyone around to complain when we run off-leash!
Daddy takes us there every single morning and we get to explore and play to our hearts content.
For the past years, we have been meeting this herd of buffaloes there. Initially, both Mummy and the herd were terrified!
Mummy, because she thought those horns look formidable and the buffaloes, because they were startled by our woofs and weren’t sure we actually wanted to play!
Buddy couldn’t care less. He preferred to play with his lizard and squirrel friends.
So, one day, I took matters into my own paws.
I went over to this buffalo-girl and stood there silently, without a woof.
Soon she got the idea and decided it isn’t such a bad idea to be friends with me.
Now, we often meet and she comes over to say ‘sniffello’.
Sometimes we play.
I ALWAYS win because I am much, much quicker on my paws than her. And do not worry, I always keep a safe distance away from those horns. (The camera makes it look much closure, I promise)
On most occasions though, she goes about her business and I with mine.
I think we are friends.
The following pictures are from an evening in those fields.
It had been raining and we couldn’t make it there for our morning walk. However, the evening sky was a photographer’s delight and Mummy did not let the opportunity pass by!
We, of course, were only too glad to run along!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Hello there, I am Ginger.
OH! Hello. Good morning. Nice meeting you.
Glad you came by, Ginger. I’ve been waiting to try out my Aikido and my friend there can’t be bothered. You interested?
Oh Yes, Why not…
( Bow )
That was good. We should do that again sometime.
See you around. Good day to you.