Friday, August 27, 2010

MUMMY"S MUSINGS...Skywatch #3

'Twinkle, Twinkle…..

Up above the world so high…

As a child, the sky always held immense fascination for me. The twinkling, mysterious night sky inspired wonder while the vast expanse of sky-blue by day always made me dream…
I remember we had fun trying to find our favourite fairy-tale character in the woolly clouds that floated by or conjure up stories about what might be hidden behind a particular ‘fluff’ of cloud.

Decades have passed by but no amount of scientific knowledge has been able to corrode my fascination for the sky and those cottony clouds.

However, I don’t remember indulging in night-time sky-gazing in a very long time now. Most of my evenings are inevitably occupied by more mundane earthly activities that tire me out.
But by day, like one of those ‘In-a-jiffy’ coffee vending machines, the sky still doubles as my ‘get-refreshed-in a second’ centre!

And I still try to find an Ugly duckling, the Mad-Hatter, a Bunny Rabbit or just Ginger and Buddy in the clouds.

Thanks to the 'Skywatch Friday ' team I am inspired to look up, more than ever before.

(A Rainbow!!We went so close, I felt I could reach out and touch it!)

(Thank You, Ginger and Buddy, for letting me share your space and joining me on my nostalgic Journey. Mummy loves you heaps.)


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That was such a sweet post. Our Mom says she still enjoys looking at the clouds and trying to figure out what she sees there. It is a great game to play with the grandbipeds too.

Have a good weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

the booker man said...

oh yeah, the cloud game is totally funsies! mama and daddy like to play it when we are in the car goin' on trips. we just have to make sure that whoevarrr is drivin' doesn't get to distracted. heehee.
the booker man

BraCom said...

Thanks for visit and comment

Beautiful SkyWatch series

Have a nice weekend, Bram

24 Paws of Love said...

What awesome pictures. The rainbow hidden in those clouds is so cool!! My husband and I have always loved clouds and sunsets, our entire honeymoon picture book is pictures of clouds. We were so happy in love that we couldn't stay out of them!

Remington said...

That is so cool!

Janis said...

Great shots...I love to see clouds from an airplane. I used to play the cloud game, it was a fun past time as a kid.

Ingrid said...

Well done ! it's not so easy to get nice shots out of an airplane !

Mariodacat said...

M says she remembers doing dat as a kid also. It was fun. Nice pictures.

ChrisJ said...

That's a great quote about loving an animal and half our souls being awakened. I volunteer at the local animal shelter and I'm officially "a cat cuddler". I would be cuddling dogs too but most of them are too large for me to handle. Ginger and Buddy look as if they could handle a cuddle from me without overpowering me with energy. I could curl up on a sofa with them.

3 doxies said... mum still does dat cloud game too and her is OLD...hehehe! Her loves to find animals and faces and stuffs likes dat.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We love clouds, too. Always looking for a scottie one. So far haven't seen one.

At night, because we live so far away from big cities, our skies are very clear. When relatives come from the US, they just love looking at the night skies. We take them for granted.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I loved this post and catching up on your blog! I hope you have an enjoyable weekend whatever you may do--I think I may watch the clouds!! :-)

The Daily Pip said...

There's nothing like the clouds and the stars! My mom also really loves listening and watching the waves!

Your pal, Pip

Maggie Mae and Max said...

My mom agrees wif Pip's mom! In fact we is heading outside right now to look at da moon. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Teddy Bear said...

We love it! There are so many different kinds of clouds and they are so cool.:)

Teddy Bear

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and writing. Please have a good weekend you all.

daily athens

houndstooth said...

Mom says she still loves looking at the clouds!


Chewy said...

Cool pics! Can I hire you to take pics for my blog?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great pikhs!

Thanks fur sharing!


mapeh homepage said...

wow,great shots. Ive seen the rainbow...i love it.

by the way, i followed you in the google connect hope you do the same.
