No sight of the much predicted rains. Not even a stray drop of rain till Friday afternoon for us Delhites while the entire neighborhood reveled in cooler temperatures.
And then, what a shower!
My poor plants that were looking so tired and wilted for the last couple of weeks are now drenched to the roots. Just hoping they don’t all decide to die on me from ‘over-feeding’…I so love my little potted garden.
What an evening!
First, an early exit from work. Explored my favourite book store while waiting for my husband P who’d promised to take a short break from work to come meet me.
Plan: Coffee.
It took him nearly two hours to ‘run away’. By then, I had dissected the ‘On Sale’ section, leafed through the entire ‘Western Philosophy’, noted down Dalai Lama and Osho quotes, sighed and swooned at the ridiculously expensive fountain pen collection and filled my basket to the brim.
I always do that. Fill my basket with books that I assume I’m going to buy till at the billing counter better sense (occasionally !!) prevails and I dump half of them.
Finally I dumped just three which means I am now the proud owner of over half a dozen new books I have no time to read! But it feels good.
Anyway, Coffee happened.
And it was just when we were giggling away like teenagers that we realized the menacingly approaching dark clouds will soon be upon us if we did not rush back home. And if you think it should have been a romantic proposition let me remind you that we were stuck with two cars.
How could we have forgotten that we had both ran away from work!
Besides, P still had to go back to the hospital to check on a patient.
So, post coffee date saw us both head our own ways.
The clouds did catch up with us half way through.
The usually vibrant sun had retreated without a fight and we were stuck with howling winds and lashing rains much akin to a Hollywood doomsday scene.
But it was fun. In spite of the fact that I could hardly see where I was driving, it sure was fun!
So finally, we got our share of the rains.
I was a tad worried though. Ginger is a little apprehensive of thunder. With Shadow and Buddy around, who hardly seems to notice it, she is much better now. But I do make it a point to always get back home as fast as possible at the first signs of a brewing storm. Thankfully the sky wasn’t very noisy, just terribly leaky!
Anyway, my kids were fine.
A ‘more than usual’ exuberant welcome. I was over three hours late. They knew exactly. They always know.
The evening walk was lovely. The now gentle raindrops, the wet grass, the fresh air…. perfect setting for a romp in the park.
P suggested special dinner. And that he was willing to fix one.
What can be better than to curl up with a fresh new book, Ginger Buddy and Shadow huddled close while your husband fixes a gourmet meal of sorts!
Sweet and Spicy Ginger Chicken fry. Risotto. Baked and fried Mango chutney as a side!
It was only half way through our meal I realized I hadn’t got any pictures!
What a quaint little day!
Saturday passed off in a blur again. The entire world invariably imagines doctors should be on duty on weekend evenings because ‘It is just so convenient for us to see you on a Saturday. We do not have to take off from work’!
A humid Sunday morning. No rains. Ginger, Buddy and Shadow cooled off the routine way!

P is off to see a patient again!
Should we go out afterwards? The mid-year discount sales are on at almost all my favorite stores and I do need a new wardrobe. But then Murray and Federer are on at 5. Of course I can always record the match. But it isn’t as much fun to watch it afterwards.
And then there’s tomorrow. I need to prepare for tomorrow. It’s a specially special day, this coming Monday.
Oh! I think I’ll just talk about it later!
Hope you are all having a lovely Sunday.