Nancy would never leave Grampa’s side. Even when Grampa was having his meal, having a bath or reading a newspaper, she would be there, waiting for him to come play.
We were so sad when at first mummy and then daddy were gone for those long days. We hated the sight of those bags being packed. But they are back and we are thankful our family is together again.
What must Nancy be going through? How can anyone explain to her why Grandpa isn’t coming back?
She has been scared and miserable, refusing to cuddle up to anyone for too long. She would go lie down alone in some corner of the house and snap at anyone who tries to pick her up.
Mummy tried to cheer her up during the days she was there. She took her out on walks and long drives.
Nancy seemed to bond with her a little. Sometimes, late at night she would come and lie down close to Mummy, pawing her for a belly-rub. It was really very endearing.
But then, she wouldn't stay long. She would go away, wander about the house and lie down somewhere all by herself.
There have been so many visitors but no Grandpa. Late in the evening, after everyone has left, she still goes out and sits on the threshold, waiting for him to come back home.
Hope she finds the understanding and realisation in her heart to accept that Grandpa isn’t coming back…ever.
All our humans cry over the loss of a loved canine friend. It is traumatic to lose someone who is a part of your life, a part of your soul.
But then what do we Dawgs do when we lose a Human friend we loved so well.
A Dawg NEVER ever forgets. And a Dawg Always waits.
We hope one day Nancy will be re-united with Grampa and they both will live in a happier, lovelier place forever together.

Ginger and Buddy - I am so sorry about Grandpa and poor Nancy. I hope she finds some peace soon, poor little thing, she must him terribly.
Thanks for visiting my blog and wishing Molly well. I am so glad we are friends!
Your pal, Pip
Oh, I'm so sorry about Nancy. I hope she's able to bond with someone in the family but it's going to be hard for her for a while, I'm afraid. I got quite depressed when Daddy was in the hospital for a week a couple of months ago. I guess loving dogs runs in your family, doesn't it?
lotsa licks, Lola
Buddy and Ginger - our hearts are breaking for poor Nancy. Us dogs are so loyal and we give ourselves completely to our masters or our mistresses so for them to suddenly not be there is something we can never understand.
Have you heard of the story of Greyfriars Bobby? ( We hope that Nancy finds some peace soon - we're glad she bonded with your mom.
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
I'm so sorry. Nancy is such a loyal dog to Grandpa. It will take a long time for her to get used to him not being there. Why don't you take care of her for the time so she can be with your dogs?
Poor Nancy. :( We are sad for her. Where will she be living now?
~Milly and Shelby
Sorry to hear about grandpa... and hope Nancy would be able to find peace with herself till the day they meet again.
Licks, hero
I'm just catching up on your blog and wanted to tell you how touched I am by your beautiful tribute to "your Grandpa" and how very sorry I am for your loss...I know that the loss of a treasured family member is so very difficult, and it's made even harder when you see those like Nancy who are missing him too. I hope all of you find comfort and peace in your heart at what I know is a difficult time.
I also am just catching up on your blog and I must say that Parental Unit cried over your post about Nancy and Grandpa. We are so sorry for the loss of your dear grandpa.
We hope Nancy will begin to understand soon.
Your buddy,
What a loyal friend your Grampa had in Nancy. I hope she will come to have some sort of understanding of life's finality to make things easier for her. She's a beautiful girl. I'm sorry for the loss of your Grampa and Nancy's beloved friend.
How sad fur Nancy -
Thanks fur sharing her -
She's khwite the beaWOOty -
I hope your grampa sends her the sign he's made it safely and will wait fur her arrival when it is her time -
Until then, I'm sure she'll do what she khan to keep your grampa's spirit and memory alive 'here' -
How sad for Nancy - she will needs lots of attention and love for a long time now. She will always miss you Grandpa, but we are sure he will send her a message to let her know he is OK and that he wants you to be OK too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I'm sorry for your loss.
We dogs need to grieve our losses, too, and everyone does it differently. Maybe Nancy would do well with a little canine companionship for a little bit. That might help her forget some of her sadness.
So, so sorry.
My mom is crying to thinking about Nancy. She must be very sad.
I am sure your family is taking good care of her.
Kisses and hugs
Poor Nancy. How confusing for her. We hope she can find some happiness again, soon.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Oh, Ginger and Buddy...we've been away from your bloggie for far too long. I am just so sorry to hear about your grandpa. I know your mom must miss him a lot. I luved reading abouts Nancy. What a sweet, wonderful bond they had. Wouldn't it be nice if everybuddy in the whole wide world could have that kind of furendship? I think Nancy will start to understand but I know she won't ever forget your grandpa and she'll luv him always.
I'm sending all of you lots of luvs and hugs and very gentle wiggles and wags.
Mayzie (and her mom)
miss ginger and buddy,
miss nancy is a sweet lady. she and your grampy shared a special bond, so she must be way confuzzled and sad right now. i hope miss nancy will be able to understand in time and be at peace knowing that her daddy is watching over from above. some day they will be together again.
*gooey nose kisses*
the booker man
Our hearts are aching for Nancy.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Poor Nancy, :(
Mom and me hopes that she is able to be happy again soon. Puppy prayers are heading her way.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
I'm a new follower, please follow me back. For every follower that joins I will be releasing a Unicorn back into the wilds of the New Jersey boardwalk. So please do your part by joining and saving these special creatures. Thanks
Thanks, Mr. Monkey
Poor Nancy. That makes us so sad that she is missing your Grandpa so much. She's probably so lost without him.:( She looks like me and Sierra. Is she going to come and stay with you?:)
Teddy Bear
We were strolling through some blogs and came across your post. First, we are so very sorry about the loss of your grandfather. Second, we will hold Nancy close to our hearts in PURRayer hoping that she finds some joy in life without the PURRson she loved best.
we feel so sorry for Nancy. We hope she finds someone else to bond with until she gets to meet up with your grandpa again.
Don't forget, we are now located at
Poor Nancy! She cannot understand what has happened and all around are people who are so sad. I hope she will find contentment soon.
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