Knock knock knock!…Are u guys there?
Well, we don’t really blame you if you’ve all left. Look at us…we are logging in after CENTURIES!
We have missed you all so much…
Alright. First things first.
We have GOOD NEWS 
Ginger is feeling much, much better. She hasn’t passed anymore blood in her urine for the last 1 week and she no longer is straining. Buddy and I think she is even beginning to like our new home and neighbourhood. At least, she is being a lot like her usual self.
We were feeling terrible that she had gone and caught this bug.
Oh! I am getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you this properly.
Mummy got her urine tested and it told us she had quite a lot of things going wrong. She was passing blood, protein and triple phosphate stones in her urine. And her urine was highly alkaline, which meant it facilitated further formation of phosphate crystals.
We read and read and read everything that we could lay our paws on about ‘Triple phosphate crystals’.
The best thing that we came across was this study that says dogs may have triple phosphate crystals in their urine normally too. And unless there were symptoms of impaction and infection, these needn’t be operated upon.
Besides, once the infection settles down and the dog gets hydrated well, these stones disappear altogether.
We were worried about another aspect in Ginger’s case. Stress induced hypertension, which can also lead to haematuria and proteins in urine.
The only good thing was she was not running a very high temperature and wasn’t in pain.
It was such a relief when we found that the antibiotic she was on, seemed to work well because after the third dose, her urine started to clear up.
It was no longer high coloured, there wasn’t any blood and she had stopped straining.
And yes, THANKS HEAPS for all your suggestions.
Mummy could find a good brand of Cranberry capsules that also has D-Mannose. The latter is a naturally occurring component in cranberries, blueberries and apples that is said to promote urinary tract health. No harm in trying it out, what do you say?
We are getting her tests repeated this weekend and then we will finally know if everything is truly well.
The only good thing that came out of all this was that we got to go on extra walks!
Mummy would come home terribly late from work and just about manage to sit through dinner and play a little with us when it would almost be time to sleep (read Midnight!). And just when we thought we were going to wind up for the day, she would suggest a walk!
We were rather surprised at first. What had come over Mummy? I mean, she needed to get up really early again.
But then we got to know Ginger wasn’t supposed to have any residual urine in her bladder, which meant we just got to go out whether we wanted to or not.
However late into the night it may be!
Well, I am NOT complaining! Those midnight walks were rather fun! We could run around as much as we wanted to because we had the entire park to ourselves!

Now you know why we were away from the blogging world for so long.
Of course, added to all of these was the fact that Daddy hadn’t decided on a proper internet connection. The satellite net wasn’t co-operating at all all this while.
Now, for the second good news.
We got a BRAND NEW cable internet connection today!! And it definitely outruns the snail net we had earlier!
So, even though Mummy is almost falling asleep on the keyboard, we insisted we just NEEDED to update today.
We have missed you all so much and have been feeling terrible that we haven’t been able to catch up with you.
But we realise now that our bloggie pals are there not because of any compulsion. You come over to visit us because you WANT to and not because you have to. And it isn’t about returning favours…
We aren’t saying thanks. But we would like you all to know that we truly feel fortunate to have you in our lives. We want you to know that we treasure your comments, mails and suggestions and LOVE YOU HEAPS 
