Saturday, June 19, 2010

Come, ENJOY our Walk.....

Hey Guys! Did you see that? That referee was so, so unfair. What exactly was he doing there? Why couldn’t someone show him the replay like our cricket matches here? That was a valid goal!

Well Bookerman, all your efforts and practicing so much, even getting all embarrassed the other day because of football, came to nought. Slovenia equalled the US. We were rooting for USA. After all, we have so many furiends there and we don’t even know where Slovenia exactly is? We have to get Mummy to Google that.
We are hoping England, atleast, will win tonight. (We know where Algeria is. but we are supporting England)
But we have grrrt doubts Mummy will be up to cheer them on. She is already all sleepy eyed and groggy and drooping off. She has been having a very, very hectic time at work since yesterday. And she says this is going to continue tomorrow too...:( :( :( Some special camp or some such thing.

 And then there is this football. We like Playing football rather than watching football. It eats away a large chunk of our blog-time from Mummy’s schedule.
Besides, that persistant, noisy bee buzzing all the time is not much fun when you are watching TV.

Did you notice? We didn’t even post our favourite ‘True Colours Thursday’ post yesterday.
No, Mummy did not forget this time. She just didn’t work hard enough to find Purple things.

Oh well, at least we are going on our walks and she is cooking yummy breakfast for us every morning. However, we have a sneaking suspicion she does that so we would gobble up our food fast and she won’t get late for work!
Whatever the reason, we are not complaining about THAT, Mummy!

We are glad you like our flowers, furiends. These Golmohar trees are practically everywhere in our country and we hardly pay much attention to them, except when we get those lovely blooms.
Infact, the seed pods grow so big, Mummy worries they might fall on us someday while we are in the garden and hurt us!!
Well! According to Daddy, Mummy is paranoid about everything around the two of us and constantly (read unnecessarily) worries we will get hurt!
Many of you were worried Buddy would get hurt in those rocks. You should have seen how happy that made Mummy!!!!
‘See, Mummies are the same everywhere’, she told Daddy jubilantly.
Daddy scoffed and made a funny face!!!!
But we know that won’t stop her from constantly checking between our toes to see if we got anything there, just in case!!

It is raining very heavily today. But we have here for you some pictures from a lovely walk, from yesterday evening.

Mummy tried hard to post a video here, but somehow blogger wouldn't let her upload one. So here are some other pictures she took.

That's Hardy Boy- our Doberman neighbour. He is a funny, happy-go-lucky sort of guy!

Biswas- our very sad, much mistreated (Labra-Indian Dog mixed) neighbour. Her pawrents NEVER EVER take her for walks. And they keep her tied, YES, tied for hours (and they have a large garden too). Poor girl, we really get rather fidgety when she keeps crying for hours sometimes. Mummy tried to talk to her mummy about it, but she was very rude and mean about it.

These lovely flowers are called Bouganvillea. Mummy could find the Orange, White and Pink varieties in our neighbourhood. They are usually grown as ornamental plants, hanging from walls, parapets in balconies or just out of hanging flower pots.

These vines form a lovely shape over the archway of one of our neighbour’s gates. Now, that structure is more rectangular than arched. Is it still called an archway or something else?? Some more flowers. We don't know what they are called. Nobody seems to know around here!

And here we are, at Mummy’s feet as she readies our story for you.

Hope she told it well.
Wags, ,


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Glad you had a chance to take a lovely walk. Great flower photos. Thanks for sharing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

the booker man said...

hihi miss ginger and buddy!
boy howdy, are you evarrr right about that goal. my mama and daddy got totally riled up about that call!! me and asa totally agree that the goal was good and that referee dude was wrong!
hey, you don't like the vuvuzelas (the thingies makin' the bee buzz noise)?? i must be the only doggie that thinks they are super cool. asa thinks they are kind of annoying like ya'll do.
woof to your mama that she can do 2 TCT's next thursday if she is up to it! purple is a pretty color. :)
those pretty bouganvilleas kind of look like hydrangeas. do you have hydrangeas in india? those are some of my mama's favorite flowers.
i am full of the sadness about your friend miss biswas. :( good for your mama for trying to set her mama straight. i'm sorry she was rude to your mama. from what i can see, miss biswas is a pretty lady, and i wish she wouldn't be tied up and crying like that. :(((
the booker man

Anonymous said...

What a Most Wonderful walkie! I'm so glad you took me along with you! I really don't know a thing about soccer but I feel excited when I read other peoples bloggies about it.

And tell your dad that MY mom worries about everything, too! It's just cuz she luvs us and wants to protect us.

Wiggles & Wags,

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Thank you for sharing your walk with us. I am very sad too for your furiend Miss Biswas. :(
Some peoples are just mean. Is there some other peoples you can talk to (in secret) about the way her hoomans are treating hers?

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You look so happy on your walk...lots to sniff, dogs to meet. We feel sorry for your neighbour dog. People are just mean sometimes. The dogs next door to us never go for walks either, but they have the run of the yard. Bella likes to get them growling under the fence, then they get in trouble.

The flowers are beautiful. Hope the temp. has eased a bit for you.

We don't even think a crooked ref could help Australia. But there's always Ghana on Monday.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Thank you for taking us along on your walk. It was wonderful fun to go with you. I don't know who to root for in the World Cup now either. I can't really root for one furiend's country and not another's, right? I think I'll just help Daddy with his baseball rooting.

I'm sorry about how that doggie is being treated. I don't know what you can do about it. Too bad she can't come over to your place for a play date. I bet she'd love that.

wags, Lola

Teddy Bear said...

Your Mummy did an excellent job on telling your story. We are sad to hear about Biswas. She doesn't need to be tied up.:( We're so glad you had a great walkie. Aren't they wonderful? Especially when there are pretty flowers to see and smell.:)

Teddy Bear

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I loved your walk, but am so sorry to hear about Biwas and will keep her in our thoughts and prayers that she's able to find happiness and peace in her mind and heart, even if her life cannot be that way...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a furry furry special post!

Thanks fur sharing and thanks fur kharing!


houndstooth said...

That goal was ridiculous!

We loved your new flower pictures! We'd call that structure a trellis here, but other places might call it something different. As long as it holds up the plants that produce those gorgeous flowers that's the most important part!

Of course moms are the same all over the world!


Kate said...


Looking forward to the purple post, well mum is anyway!

Good new look to your blog! I got Mum to change mine too. So many choices.

Happy Weekend

jabblog said...

Your mummy told your story very well. It looked like a lovely walk. It's good to see you sleep on your mummy's feet like we do, particularly Jenna and Gus, the Labradors.

Sierra Rose said...

Hi pals! Great walkie! Looked like some super snooter time on the walkie. We are so sorry to hear about the neighbor doggie that does not get walkies. Really nice of your mom to talk to the neighbor but sad, no? about the reaction.
Most Beautiful flowers too!
Have a nice weekend!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What gorgeous flowers. Mom has always loved bougainvillea, but she doesn't think it would do well here. Glad to see you had a nice walk, and we love seeing all your beautiful photos.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Next time you do your walkie, would you like to take me with you, me in the kiddo wagon?
I could tell most of the names of your flowers posted here today, I help my mom "water" them once in a while.

Dandy Duke said...

Our mom is just in love with all of the beautiful flower pictures!
Mom has seen Bouganvillea when she goes to Florida to visit her mom! The colors are just gorgeous!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

We watched the game... and the referee was soooo wrong!
We felt bad for the US team!
You had a very nice walkie!
Happy Weekend!
Kisses and hugs

koko said...

Thanks for taking us on your walkie... and I'm sorry to hear about Biswas :(... hope things will turn up well for her. Nice flower pics, I like the frangipani flower the best, they smell nice too.

Licks, hero

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment about calling the authorities. They have to have basic care like shelter, food & water etc. I would also offer to buy the dog from them. Money usually works with evil people. Their greed gets the best of them. Then if you can't keep her you could find someone else to, or a rescue. Or find a rescue who could offer to buy her. I've known this to work very well.
