Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Prayer for Buddy, Please?



My precious boy hasn’t been feeling well for some time now due to his thyroid related issues. Added to his allergy problems, winter isn’t always the best of times for him. But we were coping, and he has been doing pretty well till about two weeks back when things started worsening.

Since yesterday he is in pain with an acute limp in his left front paw. We will know for certain if it is just a pulled Biceps or anything else today evening once the vet sees him.

He had a very difficult night. He kept fidgeting around and asked to go out twice, once at around 2 AM and then again at 5 AM. He threw up once, may be due to an irritated tummy from the meds or may be due to the pain.

This morning , thankfully, the pain seems to be a bit less. He is much more alert and eager and he even tried to walk using his injured paw. Till last night he was barely putting that paw down.


Till Buddy was put on thyroid medications last year, he would seek out the sun in the hottest of days, unwilling to sleep on the floor but always finding the warmest corners in the house. The weather is getting warmer with each passing day. And seeing Buddy seek out the cool corners is reassuring. His meds must be working.

He is fast asleep now, under the sofa out on the balcony. It’s a relief to watch him sleep peacefully after last night and I am glad he has chosen to sleep on the cool floor away from direct sunlight. At least his thyroid function must be normal. We will soon know.




Your thoughts, any that you can spare for him are very welcome. It is heartbreaking to see my very athletic, energetic boy feeling down. We are all so worried and are hoping all his tests turn out normal.






I took the day off from work yesterday and I’m home today too. Right now, Ginger is paddling in the air gleefully, chasing some squirrel in her sleep. There is not a wince out of Buddy. Shadow of course will keep alternating between coming by and lying down next to me to taking care of everything that he imagines needs taking care of …. the cleaners outside, the birds on the balcony, the rustling leaves, the fallen flower in our potted garden, the occasional call of the hawker outside selling his wares, the street pups chasing something… you name it!

I might as well catch up on some lost sleep.





Duke said...

We're sending you lots and lots of AireZen and healing thoughts, Buddy. We hope you feel better soon!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Lovable Lily said...

Sweet Buddy, please feel better real soon! We pray that the Vet can figure out what is going on with you. You're totally adorable in those pictures of you sleeping. We're happy that you got in some good rest. Sounds like it made you feel a bit better. Please keep us posted. We will put our paws together and say many prayers for you.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Kelly said...

I hope you get solid answers from the vet and can have Buddy back to his regular self soon!

My sweet Alice (who looks SO much like your Shadow) is dealing with some health problems at the moment and I can sympathize with you.

2 Punk Dogs said...

We're sending 28 paws of luck & 2 hugs. Hope sweet Buddy I feeling better soon!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You've got our prayers. You're so right it is difficult to watch a beloved pet in pain. We hope Spring will bring him relief. Poor boy. Sending our most powerful healing vibes his way. Get well, mate.

XXXOOO Bella & roxy

24 Paws of Love said...

We are so sorry to hear about Buddy's boo-boo's. :(

Sending Sibe Vibes and 24 Paws of Healing to Buddy and you and your family. May the vet find the problem and may summer come real soon!!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I'm so, so sorry to read about your precious and handsome boy. Yes, no question we are sending healthy healing vibes and prayers for him. Please let us know how he's doing. We are keeping you all in our thoughts. Take care!!

snoopydogknits said...

Popped in to see if there is any news on darling Buddy. Sending lots of loving and healing thoughts his way! We are thinking of you dear boy! Ros and Oscar xx
