Thursday, March 17, 2011

SHOULD WE OR SHOULD WE NOT….That is the Question

That’s our moon tonight.
Looking bright and happy and as serene as ever. Is it really destined to create havoc in just 2 more days?

We are talking about the ‘Lunar Perigree’.
The Lunar Perigree or the Supermoon is a phenomenon when the moon reaches its absolute closest point to Earth.
On March 19th 2011, the moon will be closest to Earth in almost 20 years at just  221,567 miles away.

The proximity of the moon’s gravitational pull presents the possiblity of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other disasters on our planet.
There were Supermoons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005 with consequent extreme weather conditions. Although science say that the moon’s gravitation affects the earth, opinions are divided.
Many claim the rough weather conditions and Supermoons in the past were mere coincidences!!

Before you start wondering about our sudden interest in astronomy, let us tell you we have a very exciting reason for it.
We are planning a Beach Holiday…!!

I, Buddy, and Shadow have never been to the beach and we keep hearing about what a wonderful place a beach is and how exciting the sea is, from Ginger who has been to one.
Before we leave for Delhi, (which is about 1950 kilometres from the sea-shore) we plan to drive down to one.
Well, actually we want to make it to Goa.

Ahh! Goa
Goa - the Best Beach Holiday destination in India, is also one of our favourites. Located on the south western coast of India, it is easily the most beautiful ‘beach state’ in the country.

The challenge is to find a Pet friendly Hotel. It is difficult. There aren’t many nice and at the same time, reasonably priced places that will take in three dogs.

We feel rather offended at this discriminatory policy.
I mean, we are SUCH good Dogs. We are, almost always, much better behaved than most humans. And we do not mean human pups. We mean Grown-Ups!

Most hotels just say ‘We have a No pets Policy. We don’t want to scare away our guests in peak season!’, when you ring up and ask.

‘Scare away guests’ indeed!
Things need to change. There needs to be more awareness about the right and need of a dog (for that matter-cat, parrot,rabbit, hamster,pig) to go on vacation.
But of course, pet-pawrents need to be more responsible too, to be able to convince these hoteliers how well-behaved their furry freind is.

If only we could find someone to go and convince them. It often works when you talk up front. Mummy is sure she could have out-talked at least ONE amongst these reluctant ones!
But we stay 750kilometres away and we can’t possibly go just to make a booking.
We have our paws crossed something will work out and we will get to go on our holiday.

Actually, we were planning on driving down over this weekend. But considering the predictions of the Supermoon, we are wondering if we should.
Not that we expect something drastic to happen. But it will be a pity if we travel all the way there only to find the beaches shut down.

After all, it is the sea, the waves, the sand that we want to feel….












racin d tide

 share d joke yaar
(The last three pictures are not of Goa
but of Suryalanka, in the South-Eastern coast.
Goa is much more beautiful!)



Two French Bulldogs said...

Great info. Go but have a backup plan in case the beaches are closed
Benny & Lily

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

thanks for the heads up about the moon. We'll be watching.

Hope you can find a good place to stay.....looks like a ripper of a place to play.

XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

Anonymous said...

OMD! We did not know about the moon either. Great pics!

Have fun at the beach but I agree with Benny and Lily, have a back up plan!

woo woos, Tessa

Mariodacat said...

M says she did know about the moon, maybe not the name for it, but dat moon brings out bad things sometimes when it's a full moon. I believe every word you said about possibility of bad things happening. Look at what recdntly has happened in Japan, and the earthquake in New Zealand just a month or so again, and before dat all the flooding in Australia. Something sure is happening and your explanation makes the most sense. When M worked, she always said the full moon brought out the "crazy people" where she worked!! Your pictures are very bootiful. It would be nice if you could go on your beach holiday - but how unfair dat no doggies are allowed.

Scooter said...

Hey Buddy!
Wow, cool information about the moon. I'll be extra tempted to howl a little! We'll see if we get any more weather extremes...hope not. Good luck with your beach vacation! Be sure to get some sand in your paws and ocean water on your belly!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Teddy Bear said...

Thanks for the great info on the moon.:) We hope you have fun if you go the beach.:)

Teddy Bear

the booker man said...

hihi buddy!

your informational about that super moon thingie was very most interesting like. me and asa and mama totally hope that it doesn't mess up your beachy fun times in goa! it looks super duper pretty there! oh, and just for kicks mama put "goa, india pet friendly hotels" into the googles, and she found this website:
pet vacations.
maybe it can be helpful to ya'll??

the booker man

The Daily Pip said...

Gosh, now I am kind of nervous about the weather on Saturday. I certainly hope everyone stays safe.

I also hope you get to enjoy a trip to the beach very soon. I just know you will love it - especially if you get to share it with your family.

Your pal, Pip

Lorenza said...

I did not know those things about the Supermoon!
Going to the beach sounds pawesome!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

I hope you get to make your trip....and I hope you guys have a GREAT time! We look forward to many fotos of you all romping in da waves.

houndstooth said...

Thanks for the warning about the Supermoon!

I sure hope you find a place that will let you stay! The beach is A LOT of fun!


Dandy Duke said...

What gorgeous pictures! We sure hope you can find someplace doggie-friendly!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

jabblog said...

I hope you can find somewhere in Goa. I've never been there but two of my children have - my daughter more than once - and they love it because it is so beautiful.

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We hope you get to have your beach vacation and that you have a wonderful time! Most interesting about the moon. We shall watch with interest to see if anything happens.

Jed & Abby
