Sunday, June 6, 2010

A BIRD Gets Personal Training!!!

There was this interesting article on Friday 4th June, in the newspaper Mummy and Daddy subscribes to, that we want to share with you.

It said, ‘Obese kookabura gets a gym, personal trainer’
Now, Really! A Gym and personal trainer for a Bird? And here we have to run till we drop, everyday. In this heat too.

Here's the picture from the newspaper- 'THE TIMES OF INDIA"

(The Laughing Kookaburra bird with her trainer!)

And this is the news clip that was published:

An Australian kookaburra bird is undergoing personal training after growing too fat to fly because she ate too many sausages.
The kookaburra got into trouble with her weight when residents at a Sydney park began feeding her sausages at barbecues. The porky kookaburra weighed in at 565g, nearly 40% heavier than a normal adult bird, rendering her so unfit she couldn’t fly.
“Out in the wild she’d eat a whole small animals, but sausages are just too much of a good thing,” said Gemma Watkinson, Sydney’s Taronga Zoo wildlife hospital nurse. A Sydney resident brought the bird to the zoo after spotting dogs chasing her along the ground. REUTERS

SIGH! Why do we Dwags have to walk and run everyday, battling the sun and the rain, and not get an air-conditioned gym?
And we never get enough sausages too.



~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Just when you think you've heard of everything and every kind of job, you find out you haven't. THANKS for the chuckle! :-)

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Too fat to fly? That means we could CATCH her. I'm going to ask my humans to leave some sausages out for the birds in our yard.

wags, Lola

houndstooth said...

That is one piggy bird! I can't believe that! I hope she gets the work out she needs!


Maggie Mae and Max said...

I has never seen a sausage eating, to fat to fly, birdie before. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We hear Kookaburras every morning when we walk, but they're not fat and don't usually get on the ground. That means we don't get to chase them.

After harvest time the galahs eat grain that falls off trucks and get too fat to fly. Unfortunately they're ON the roads..I don't have to tell you the outcome. Galahs aren't known for their intelligence. (We loooove chasin' those birds.)

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Haha, I think my pug brothers need to go to weight reduction program too, but they need the whole village to train them.
Ginger and Buddy, may I ask you a favor, please go visit Autumn to give her and her mom your kind words of love, encouragement and support, they really need it now, thanks.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

BOL - All Mom can think of is that silly song about the kookaburra bird that the little bipeds love to sing.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Us poor puppies - birds get better stuff this us.
Just isn't fair :(


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Please khount us among those with a mom that will now hear THAT song!

Thanks fur sharing this story!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing the story!
I think that bird has a sausage addiction! Is there a cure for that??
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

jabblog said...

Whoever would have thought a bird could be overweight? Thank you for the giggle :-)

Unknown said...

An overweight bird - a lucky well-fed bird!

Teddy Bear said...

Way to go, Birdie!!!

Teddy Bear

Dandy Duke said...

That is one lucky birdie! We definitely feel that we doggies deserve the same plush treatment!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
