Thursday, May 6, 2010


(My Best Friend, Buddy)

 Hello, Everyone. I must tell you about what happened last Tuesday evening on our walk. I still feel a little awed and shaken when I think of it.

We were out on our routine walk with Daddy that faithful evening. It had rained just an hour back and the ground was nice and soft. The air smelt fresh. We were checking pee-mails and absolutely minding our own business when suddenly a pack of strays appeared out of nowhere. They headed straight for me. One of them was an alpha male, clearly and he seemed so, so interested in me. He was really smelly, really thin, flea bitten and tick ridden.

Now, Mummy says strays are very, very unfortunate Pawple. They don’t have a home and Moms and Dads who snuggle them and get them treats and stuffies. Each time we refuse to eat our kibble, she reminds Bud n me that the strays often go without food for days together.

So when I saw this smelly dawg, I thought I could bring a little joy into his life by playing with him. I lowered my head, stuck my butt up, wagged my tagged vigorously and said a friendly ‘Wuff!’ Enough signal to any Dawg that I am a friend even if he doesn’t speak my language.

But this guy had no manners at all. You know what? He came and tried to get up on top of me and hold me down. And as if it was an unsaid signal for his pack, 3 others came and started encircling me.

All these happened within seconds actually, and just outside our gate. I’m kind of speaking in a ‘slow motion blur’.

This is what happened next. Daddy rushed in and tried to chase them away. But it was Buddy who saved me. He jumped at them and snarled and growled and fought them off. The pack retreated and Buddy kept snarling and chasing them off. Daddy and Mummy (who had by now joined us) screamed for Buddy to come back.

There is this patch of empty grassland just outside our colony. The dog pack fled and disappeared into this, Buddy in hot pursuit.

Now when either of us decides to run, we are unstoppable. Anyone at the other end of the leash has the option of either letting go or falling flat on his/her face. We are otherwise very good Labradawgs and never ever have hurt anyone. And almost always, we walk pretty decently. But, I said ‘almost always’. And this was one of those days when we make an exception.

Anyway, Buddy chased the pack and Daddy rushed after him, while mummy brought me home.

I got up on our boundary wall (I can climb up there very easily. Mummy says like a cat and I am not very happy about the comparison) to check that Bud is alright. You can get a very good view of the area from up there. Finally, I spotted him, coming back looking victorious, wagging his tail, with daddy in tow.

Daddy, however, wasn’t at all amused that Bud had run away after the pack. They were many and he alone. What if he was hurt somehow?

And sadly, Daddy’s words came true. When we checked Bud for wounds, we found he was injured at three places. A little cut on his front paw, one on his right shoulder blade and the worst one, a deep gash on his back. They might have been from the fight or from some sharp branch or rock in that grassland. Thankfully, he wasn’t bleeding much.

After a good scrub, Mum n Dad dressed his wound and shaved off the hair in that area.

But that alone was not enough, they said. It will bleed again if he slept on his back (which he like does always). Besides, the wound was deep. He will need stitches to help it heal faster.
Mummy and Daddy immediately brought out their surgical instruments and set up a mini Operating room. But they were worried he would be scared of the smells of medicines and probably would need to be sedated. Like I said, Bud is pretty strong and big and no one can hold him down by force.

But he was such a Brave sweetheart that evening. He behaved just absolutely wonderfully. Mummy just asked him to 'stay' and he stayed. He received 2 stitches. He flinched and whimpered once, but never tried to get up and run. He just put his head deep into Mummy’s lap. Finally, daddy went out and got Tetanus shots and he allowed Mummy to inject those too, just staying still because Mummy said so.

Mummy almost cried. She gave him his favourite treat and hugged him hard.

I am so, so impressed. I try to run away even when I have to take my usual shots. Thankfully, even though Mom and Dad are human docs, they take care of our medical needs and we don’t have to go and sit in the vet’s clinic. I have been there only once with my friend Krazzy, when she had to have a test done and I hated it so much, I refused to get through the door and just waited outside.

If you ask me the truth, I am pretty much offended by any sort of medicinal smell. And here was Bud, being so brave.

As he got his stitches and wound dressed, I watched the whole thing from behind Mummy’s back with awe. Buddy is usually such a gentledawg, a fun guy. I couldn’t believe he can be aggressive too.

I should have listened to him. I feel guilty now. He always says strays are up to no good. But I protest when he growls at them and never at Dawgs with Homes. I tell him he is biased. I wonder how he always knew and I didn’t.

Well, I hope I will remember!

That night he had his food and chose to sleep under the bed, alone.

(Buddy,with his chew bone for company)

I guess he was shaken a bit. I didn’t mind much. He smelt of Mummy’s hospital stuff and made me sneeze!

(I finally slept too)

But in the morning he was back to being his old fun-guy self. He went and dug up this big patch in Daddy’s garden and actually didn’t get scolded!

 And after a wash, he smelt nice again. So we are back to snuggling.

His wound is healing well. He sits down diligently and lets Mummy do the daily dressing. Only he doesn’t like the taste of the tablets he has to take. But then, he gets a treat afterwards. And I get one too, for no reason at all, honestly.

(Mummy didn't have the heart to take pics that day.This is today's status)

We haven’t met the pack again. But we have heard them howling at night somewhere. Poor Dawgs! They might be hungry.

Oh! There I go again…!

NO.I must remember what Bud told me. He is my BESTEST friend and obviously looks out for me.



Remington said...

Oh my! He is a hero! What a story! I would be a mess if that would of happened to us....I hope he is doing ok....what a brave guy....

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a horrible experience!!! Thank dogness you have parents that could help Buddy right away. We are very proud of Buddy for protecting you but we hope it never happens again. Feel better, Buddy.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh dear! What a terrible experience! Buddy is a courageous defender and I guess you know for absolute sure that you can always count on him. I've always said that labradawgs are pawticularly strong hearted dogs.

I think you and Buddy are both right about the strays, but you'll have to listen to him. You're right to have compassion, but their lack of homes and care and feeding have made them dangerous to deal with. I guess they think that you and Buddy are a different pack, maybe competing with them for food or something. That's a very sad thing, because that's not the way dog are meant to be but there's not a lot one labradawg can do about it so you'd better steer clear.

What a good thing that you have doctors in the house. We'd have had to spend most of the night at the emergency vet if that had happened here.

wags, Lola

Nelly said...

Wow, Buddy is sooo brave! Good job your Mummy and Daddy know what to do in a case like that.
We hope those stray doggies don't come back :(
Nelly xx

Jake of Florida said...

What a frightening experience! But how fortunate that Buddy got away with just those three wounds -- and that you have your own private "Dog Tors" -- whether you like the smells or not.

We see that you too are praying for brave Digby. His fight has brought so many of us together for the common cause -- love of our dogs.

We're going to add your blog address to our list and hope you'll come back to visit again!!! (You're welcome to enjoy our backyard garden/patio whenever you like -- but it's 91 F today!!!)

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Oh my goodness!! What a scary thing to happen! Bud is a hero and I am so glad he was able to get medical treatment immediately from his pawrents. I sure hope he will be fine. That would shake anybody up. Don't go trying to hang around stray dogs anymore. Mom got bit last year by one and it wasn't a nice sight! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Buddy is one brave dog. We hope that doesn't happen again. Too bad those dogs can't find some families,too. We feel sorry for them; but know they can be dangerous.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Anonymous said...

Good boy, Buddy! Gosh, you sure are lucky to have a bestest furend who will jump in and protect you! I know that must've been real scary for everybuddy. You have to be real careful around strays but I think you're a very sweet girl to feel bad for them and want to bring a little joy into their very much sad lives.

I'm glad everybuddy is okay and I hopes you don't come across those stray dogs again. Tell your momma and daddy to carry a big stick with them from now on - just in case.

Hope Buddy gets feeling all back to himself in no time!

Wiggles & Wags,

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Hi Ginger & Buddy,

WOW WOW WOW!! Buddy is a hero! You are so lucky to have a bestest friend like him. He is a very brave doggie. I am sure your mom and dad will take good care of him too.
It was so nice of all of you to come by and visit me today and I am honored that I am your first on-line boxer buddy! I know that we will be grrrt furiends and pawpals too!

Woofs and Licks,
Your new furiend Maggie Mae

Teddy Bear said...

That is such a scary story. I am SO glad that you both are ok. And wow, Buddy, you're a HERO!!! I hope that your wounds heal quickly and that those strays never come back again!

Teddy Bear

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, that was the most scary story!! My heart was in my mouth just reading it - I can't imagine what your poor humans must have been feeling! So glad that Buddy wasn't seriously hurt although those wounds looked nasty! Ouch! He really was such an amazing boy to be so brave with all the stitches and stuff. Hope his wounds heal quickly!

By the way, I'm not sure you found my proper blog as both your comments were left on my Homepage - you see, my site is set up a little differently with some permanent pages which never change - and then there is a blog section. So if you want to read about my lates adventures, you have to go to the blog section - there is a link at the top of the page called "Honey's Blog" - or there are also the most recent blog posts listed at the top of the sidebar on the right. You might find my latest post interesting - it is all about a 'doggie dancing' camp I went to on the Gold Coast! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I was sitting on the edge of my seat during this story! While I'm so sorry that Buddy was injured by the street gang what a quick thinking hero!! I'm glad everyone is okay!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are furry furry lukhky on soooooooo many levels!

AND so are we fur getting to share in it!

Please give all of YOUR pakhk a khyss from ME!


Lorenza said...

I am so sorry you had to suffer that scary experience!
Glad to know Buddy is doing well!
He is my hero too!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

houndstooth said...

I'm glad you had Buddy there to look out for you! Maybe you should stay closer to him and your people when you go out on walks! Yikes!


the booker man said...

miss ginger!
i am so so so glad that you and buddy are okie dokie! that was a very scary experience. buddy was so brave to defend you from those stray doggies! he is a hero for sures!
i'm also super duper glad that your mama and daddy are doctors so that they could fix buddy's booboos. i hope that they heal up way fast like.
be very careful with the stray doggies next time! you are very kind to be compassionate, but buddy is right that some stray doggies can be really really cranky.
the booker man

Kate said...

WOW OMD I'm glad you are ok, and that Buddy the Hero was well cared for by your handy dandy Pawrents!


Persephone and Buster said...

hi to ginger and buddy, thanks for visiting our blog! we came to check in and find "you are a hero!!" wOw...ginger you are a very luck lab to have your buddy. sounds like he took care of business quite well. he's a good protector. very nice job on your mom's part to stitch him up so nicely too. our humomm has only taken stitches out... not put them in. we'd like to keep it that way! very scary to think of holes in our skin.
extra treats all around for the blonde labs!
best to you,
theBUSTER Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue too

Life With Dogs said...

Yikes!! We have no such stray packs in our area, and I can't imagine how scared you must have been. Hug that hero dog for me! :)

♥ Sallie said...

That is so scary! A stray pack...They probably are hungry. Is there someone to call? Maybe they could be found? I worry for other animals in the area. Look what they did to Buddy! And he is big, brave, and strong. I hope his wound heals fast.

the magic sleigh said...

Woooos Ginger and Buddy!We just started reading woo blog. Woo were both so brave, Ginger fur trying to be nice, and Buddy fur protecting woo all. I am proud of both of woo, but I am terribly sad that Buddy got hurt bad. At least woo have very special Mom and dad to take care of woo, now do not do that again, either of woo!
~husky kisses~
- Kira The BeaWootiful

Dandy Duke said...

OMG, what a scary story! Buddy is truly your hero, Ginger! We are so happy to hear that Buddy wasn't injured further! We hope he has a quick recovery!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

This One Wild Life said...

Wow. What a heroic story and what terrific dogs. I'm so glad everybody was okay in the end. Buddy will surely have some (mild) scars to be proud of, as he should be.

I just love the Wordless Wednesday post before this too. I came here from the blog hop and I'm so glad I did. Nice to meet you!
